Dig if you will… – IOTW Report

Dig if you will…

Prince when doves cry

27 Comments on Dig if you will…

  1. Bob Ross wore it better and he didn’t give me that creepy homo vibe – just the impression of a guy doing a lot of valium and a few joints of mellow weed.

  2. Bob Ross had curley hair. It was not an afro. I watched him for hours making pine trees, lakes, brush, sky come to life. I loved his program. I am not an artist but I appreciated his work. His calm voice “let’s put a little house over here, and give it a window,and maybe a snow covered path from the door, right to a little pond, etc.” I loved it

  3. And I never bought that crap about the “artist” formerly known as Prince – hes as much of an artist as I am and my artistic talent consists of being able to draw flies without a pencil. Bob Ross would purple rain his flouncy ass in a Christian approved “paint off”.

  4. So…………is Bob Ross a great artist? Or just OK. I can’t draw or paint and I always was impressed by his large brush painting. Does a professional artist think
    he is good or just average. And why.

  5. If you google “prince dig if you will the picture” it is apparently a song by the “artist” formerly known as prince (I didn’t bother to listen to it though – not my type of music).


    MJA is having a little fun with us ….. think of it as Cruz (Bob Ross) versus Trump (Prince) in this context. Now I’ll just sit back in the corner an watch.

  6. Rembrandt – a guy who can paint scenery that looks detailed to the naked eye with a 2 inch paint brush is an artist in my book (not that I’m any kind of expert).

  7. Bob Ross, to me, was a hell of a lot more entertaining than the scum we have on TV today. I don’t know what MJA meant by the “Dig if You will” thingy. And I don’t recognize the asshole with the afro.

  8. I think Bob Ross was a guy that truly, mechanically understood what he was doing with paint and a brush at a very “fine” level. He may not be as famous or financially rewarded as a Picasso or Rembrandt because he didn’t leave a lot of doubt as to what he was painting (more of “beauty being in the eye of the beholder” with what is considered “art” these days), but he truly understood how to translate paint on canvas to create pleasant scenery that was aesthetically pleasing to most people.

  9. “Dig if you will a picture of you and I engaged in a kiss.”

    I never watched much Bob Ross, but I don’t think he painted kissers.

    Cool post, though. Lots of food for thought!

  10. Just for the record, Bob Ross ripped off the “happy little” TV artist schtick and his entire technique from his mentor, Bill Alexander ( who also had a public TV painting show a number of years earlier).
    Alexander was more entertaining and more talented.

  11. @Tony R
    Haha I remember Jon Gnagy too.

    What always use to amuse me is that he would have a pretty nice drawing going about 2/3 of the way through the show then he would lay on giant swaths of dark shading with a piece of bituminous coal until the canvas looked like a giant black smudge.

  12. “Does a professional artist think
    he is good or just average. And why.”
    -Rembrandt:was his first name not last

    As a representational oil painter myself, I would say Ross had his formula. He painted “things”. Mountains looked like mountains, trees looked like trees, etc. Very static and predictable.

    A fine artist is more concerned with the elements of the work, such as edges, value, shape, color, movement to name a few. Often there is a sensitivity to the light, atmosphere, mood. The average viewer does not think about the elements when drawn to a work of art, they just sense there is something intriguing and want to continue to study it. I wouldn’t want observers of my art to say, “Yup, trees, mountains, happy little clouds. She nailed it” Then moves on.

  13. There’s art, there’s good art, and there’s great art.

    To the average pedestrian observer (like me) what separates them is an unspoken quality. One either has an emotional response, or one doesn’t. If one does – it’s art. If one doesn’t – it isn’t art – it’s pretension.

    Similarly with poetry. One either loves it or one doesn’t.

    Funny that izlam has neither (art nor poetry), isn’t it?

    I suppose one must have a soul …

    izlamo delenda est …

  14. Good one, MJA. The Bob Ross/Prince mashup seems to refer to the pose. It’s a picture of Prince’s actual passport photo, minus the Ross references, of course. The play on words, using 70s slang, is an omage to when Prince became famous and his endless self-aggrandizing.

  15. Hahahaha, I love this meme! So funny! The person who thought of it deserves kudos.

    I had to comment because some of the other comments are so serious and totally missing the humor.

    And for those of you who don’t know the music of Prince… you are missing out.

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