Nipping at her heels – IOTW Report

Nipping at her heels

PatriotRetort: Good gracious. It doesn’t matter how much the deck gets stacked in her favor, Hillary Clinton can’t seem to shake Bernie Sanders. The guy just keeps nipping at her heels.

hillary bernie nipping at her heels

Even here in New York which Hillary has been trying to pass off as her home state since 2000, Bernie is giving her a run for her money.

As a New Yorker, it doesn’t surprise me.

Sadly for us, Manhattan and its surrounding area tend to be the rotted tail that wags our beautiful state. And New York City elected their very own socialist just a few short years ago. Hillary may claim New York as her home state, but Bernie is a Brooklyn-born socialist. She’s having a tough time competing with him in the Big Commie Apple.

Her solution appears to be trying to get upstate Democrats to rally behind her.

Yesterday, Hillary was here in Syracuse. Which means, – MORE

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