Supreme Court rules in redistricting case: Illegal immigrants can be counted – IOTW Report

Supreme Court rules in redistricting case: Illegal immigrants can be counted

WaTimes: A unanimous Supreme Court ruled Monday that illegal immigrants and other noncitizens can be counted when states draw their legislative districts,


shooting down a challenge by Texas residents who said their own voting power was being diluted.

The ruling does not grant noncitizens the power to vote, but says the principle of one person, one vote doesn’t require localities to only count those who are actually eligible to vote when they are deciding how many people to put inside of each district. more

Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, writing for the court, said even though only eligible voters are supposed to cast ballots, elected officials represent all people within their districts, and it is that act of representation, not the election itself, that the boundaries are drawn to.

16 Comments on Supreme Court rules in redistricting case: Illegal immigrants can be counted

  1. I guess you have to be an Ivy League educated lawyer to understand the wisdom of this. Didn’t someone a long time ago say “shoot the lawyers first”, or something like that?

  2. Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, writing for the court, said even though only eligible voters are “supposed” to cast ballots…(my air quotes)

    She’s implicitly acknowledging that illegals are in fact voting.

    I swear this country has lost it’s collective mind. How can it be Constitutionally that illegals have representation? Why are the needs of illegals a concern at all?

    Why aren’t illegals being deported?

    It’s a fucking Madhouse.

  3. It’s too bad those people on the sign don’t display such energy and enthusiasm for fixing their own damn country, instead of just running to where White Privilege demands we support them

  4. “A unanimous Supreme Court”

    That right there is the signal (one of many, many signals) of the end of the Constitution as the law of this country.

    Total and complete insanity.

    Think about that – even the four so-called “conservative” justices thought this ruling was constitutional.

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