Hillary Gets Tougher Questions on The View Than With George Stephanopoulos – IOTW Report

Hillary Gets Tougher Questions on The View Than With George Stephanopoulos

Newsbusters: It’s a sad day for journalism when the women of The View ask tougher questions than ABC anchor George Stephanopoulos. Yet, the co-hosts of the female chat show grilled Clinton on her e-mail scandal, abortion and protecting Christianity.

hillary clinton on the view

These three topics did not come up when former Democratic operative turned journalist Stephanopoulos talked to Clinton on Monday. 

View co-host Paula Faris on Tuesday demanded of the presidential candidate: “The FBI and Justice Department prosecutors are reportedly gearing up to interview you and some of your closest aides. Do you think that this is a big reason why there’s a large contingent of people out there that don’t feel that you’re trustworthy because of the e-mail scandal? And will you ever put it behind you?”   MORE

7 Comments on Hillary Gets Tougher Questions on The View Than With George Stephanopoulos

  1. i am sure the questions were not spontaneous and most likely submitted or reviewed by clinton herself before ever going on the show.
    how come they didn’t defend the sex assault victims of her husband and ask her about their claims?
    I am sure her answers were non answers and a change of the subject on how its someone else’s fault.

    but I can’t bring myself to watch the hens cackle to find out.

  2. There’s nothing she can put in a vise, as she gets questioned. Is she trying to sit higher, or is her butt to big? Nah, she’s reaching to play footsies with Maude.

  3. George Suck-a-cock-poulos.
    That’s all I got this morning.
    If “The View” were the last and only TV show on the air, I would still refuse to watch. (shudder). . . . .

  4. Stephanopoulos is not a “former Democrat operative”, he still is. Just because to directs the news for ABC (who went in the tank for the progressive left years ago) doesn’t mean he doesn’t; work for the Dems anymore. It just means he’s quiet about it.

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