Kerry Says Obama Gives Him ‘Enormous Latitude’ on Foreign Policy – IOTW Report

Kerry Says Obama Gives Him ‘Enormous Latitude’ on Foreign Policy

PJM: Secretary of State John Kerry told PBS that working under President Obama has been a positive experience in part because of the “enormous latitude” Obama has given his fellow former senator.


Kerry was asked by PBS’ Charlie Rose on Tuesday: “Does foreign policy concede the State Department or the White House?”

“It is always a combination, Charlie, and I always — you know, as a former chair of the Foreign Relations Committee and 28 years on the committee watching the different relationships, the different national security advisors and secretaries, I always knew that one of the first rules is, you know, don’t get into terse squabbles and don’t start fighting,” Kerry replied.  more here

11 Comments on Kerry Says Obama Gives Him ‘Enormous Latitude’ on Foreign Policy

  1. He certainly may get greater degree of control then Hillary did. She was just a show pony and she knew it. Of course the downside of Kerry stating he runs the show is that it makes it easier for Obama to throw him under the bus when things go wrong. What a dick.

  2. Yes, I’d have to agree. O’Bola gives sKerry “enormous latitude”. But then I’d have to ask, which one’s the “catcher” and which one’s the “pitcher”?

  3. “as a former chair of the Foreign Relations Committee and 28 years on the committee”

    28 years and still dumb as a post.

    I would say after 28 years this asshole is one person you can point to and assign some blame, right?

    too bad we don’t hold out politicians responsible for their actions.

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