Gingrich: No One Is Covering the Growing Split in the Democratic Party – IOTW Report

Gingrich: No One Is Covering the Growing Split in the Democratic Party

gingrich maria bartiromo


Video at NoMoreCocktails


7 Comments on Gingrich: No One Is Covering the Growing Split in the Democratic Party

  1. That’s because when the GOP brokers the convention and picks some RINO goof, everyone will vote for Hellry.

    Might as well get it over with while there still some fight left in me, I’m only getting older.

  2. “Split in the Democratic Party …”

    Yeah, the Maoists and the Stalinist are arguing with the National Socialists and the Fascists about the best way to execute the “Final Solution” to the “Freedom Problem” … allow the izlamists to ascend or encourage the urban ferals to strike … without interrupting the tax stream …

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Bernie’s campaign manager is counting on a contested convention. They plan to fight to get the super delegates that Hilliary has bought. There is a bunch of infighting on the left over the super delegate issue. The MSM won’t cover it, but reading the comments at lefty sights shows how much hate their is for Hilliary.

    The real count right now, without the super delegate is Hilliary 1280, Bernie 1061. The super delegate count is H 469, B 31.

    Bernie supporters are (rightly) pissed about it.

    * (2,382 Needed to Win the D nomination)

  4. Didn’t Obama snatch or otherwise neuter the superdelegates when he and the left side of the Dems sandbagged Clinton in 2007/2008? Why wouldn’t Sanders do the same thing here? In any event while I used to think that the principle strength of the Dems (other than their willingness to commit felonies) was that they would always unite behind the nominee no matter how hated they were. Not this time I think. Enough of old Bernie’s supporters hate Clinton with such a passion they could well stay home if Clinton wins. I suspect that the same is on Clinton’s side.

  5. Half my family use to LOVE Hillary,but not anymore it’s BERNIE now. I asked my one Sib why she liked HCR an she said she gives wonderful speech’s. Needless to say we do not allow political talk at Family gatherings.Friendly or otherwise.

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