Stereotypes: Hunting – IOTW Report

Stereotypes: Hunting

hunter stereotypes

Hunting Stereotypes. Love ’em or hate ’em, we all know ’em.

7 Comments on Stereotypes: Hunting

  1. Falling out of tree stands is becoming a frequent sporting event in Arkansas. They are recommending seat belts now, no kidding.
    We used to be the top railroad crossing accident state, may still be. But we have to be at least in the top 5 in tree stand plunges.

    I am sooo proud of my state.

  2. Been a hunter for many years and didn’t see anyone I recognized. Well except for the fascination most have with getting photographed next to their kill, which I happen to think is weird.

    Why not a video of stereotypical college professors? Or stereotypical venomous left wing talk show hosts? Or stereotypical AGW conference attendees?

    Or hell, a couple minutes of any Obama speech is usually a laugher. And 2 minutes is about all any rational person can take.

  3. I didn’t see the jackass who is invited to stay in your RV or cabin and shows up with uninvited guests and expects the host to act as an innkeeper for people he doesn’t even know.

  4. MJA gets the coveted Post Of The Day Prize. I’m the Snack Master – beef jerky, slim jims, cheese cubes, Krispie Kremes…..num num num….

    I wish they’d do one for offshore fishing or inshore fishing. My biggest pet peeve – while you are quietly anchored in a primo fishing spot and you’re fuckin’ bailin’ ’em in cuz you got up at Oh Dark Hundred, there’s the asshole who runs right up on you and noisily splashes his anchor and rattley rusted chain overboard. The sonofabitch is so close you can count how many teeth he has missing in his inbred head.

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