How the hell does this woman get around?! – IOTW Report

How the hell does this woman get around?!

PatriotRetort: So, we all know that former New York Senator Hillary Clinton hasn’t driven a car in over twenty years.

hillary on subway

And now, thanks to Politico, we know that Hillary also doesn’t have the first clue how to ride the subway.

For heaven’s sake! How hard is it to slide your Metro card at the turnstile?!

Sweet merciful Zeus! How the hell does this woman get around?! more

14 Comments on How the hell does this woman get around?!

  1. But, But…..she’s just like us little people.

    Except she’s a multi-millionaire, compulsive liar, thief, bitch, corrupt, progressive marxist and got Americans killed in Benghazi.

    Yeah, she’s one of us.

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