Rubio clings to delegates — and hopes for Republican nomination – IOTW Report

Rubio clings to delegates — and hopes for Republican nomination

Rubio and Trump

WT: Sen. Marco Rubio has fought to take the delegates he won to the Republican National Convention in July, leaving him in a position to be a power broker or even, if everything falls into place, to make another run at the top of the party’s presidential ticket.

Under current rules, he doesn’t qualify to be considered for the presidential nomination — only Donald Trump has clearly met the threshold so far — but if the party starts looking beyond the billionaire businessman, Mr. Rubio could be in line.

“You can see absolutely how it could play out,” said Chris Bravacos, who led Mr. Rubio’s operation in Pennsylvania. “Whether that yields Gov. Kasich, or Marco Rubio, or someone who didn’t run, I think that is an open question.”  MORE

8 Comments on Rubio clings to delegates — and hopes for Republican nomination

  1. Apparently delusion is part of Rubio’s genetic makeup.

    Of all of the candidates and that includes the spineless Jeb! and the liar Cruz, Rubio rankled me by far the worst. He’s a real snake in the grass.

  2. “Rubio clings to delegates — and hopes for Republican nomination”

    That’s all Little Marco has is hope. He better hope that Trump supporters don’t unleash their fury on him. His career is over, he should just go home and be the sleazy lawyer that he is.

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