Obama refuses to utter ‘radical Islamic terrorism’ amid 800% terror spike – IOTW Report

Obama refuses to utter ‘radical Islamic terrorism’ amid 800% terror spike

WT: From the 2009 Fort Hood shooting to the 2015 San Bernardino massacre and the recent Brussels bombings, radical Islamic terrorists have been wreaking havoc and destroying lives worldwide.


In just the last five years of the Obama administration, terror deaths have increased 800 percent globally.


However, as these horrifying attacks reveal the dangerous realities of the growth of radical Islam, President Obama continues to refuse to name our enemy.


We are at war, and Mr. Obama simply will not acknowledge this truth.

“Groups like ISIL can’t destroy us, they can’t defeat us. They don’t produce anything. They’re not an existential threat to us,” Mr. Obama said following the attacks in Brussels.


 Could he be more wrong?   More here

9 Comments on Obama refuses to utter ‘radical Islamic terrorism’ amid 800% terror spike

  1. History will judge us as the grand towering stupid asses of the millennium for not seeing the obviously traitorous acts this President.
    History will damn us for not doing something about him.

  2. “Obama refuses to utter ‘radical Islamic terrorism’ amid 800% terror spike”

    I also noticed that for the last 8 years the media refused to utter the accusation that Obama is a Muslim sympathizer actively destroying the nation from the inside-out.

    In order to defeat your enemy, first you must identify it.

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