The New Fascists: Kamala Harris – IOTW Report

The New Fascists: Kamala Harris

AmericanThinker: Kamala Harris, the Attorney General of California, is an example of the new jackbooted fascists pretending to be responsible public officials.

obama kamala harris

Democrat politicians like Harris and Jerry Brown demonstrate their disgust with the Constitution by placing their own political beliefs above the will of the people, when Brown refused to defend Californians votes for Prop 8, and free speech, when Harris tries to criminalize speech she doesn’t like.

While some will reject such strong language, there is really no other way to describe an attorney general who uses the full power of her office to attack a reporter who is discomforting one of Harris’s donors.

When confronted with irrefutable evidence that Planned Parenthood was profiting by selling the human organs of aborted babies, and modifying the abortion procedure without the consent of the mother in order to improve profits, Harris conducted a raid on the apartment of David Daleiden, the brave investigative journalist who exposed Planned Parenthood’s profiting from the modern equivalent of lampshades made from human skin.

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3 Comments on The New Fascists: Kamala Harris

  1. In the early accounts of Harrison Bounel’s associates, Harris was the odds-on favorite to become his first SCOTUS pick. But if you were Mooch, who would you have Barry pick, Sgt. Elaina “Shultz” Kagan or the “Wise Latina”?

  2. This is one of the people Trump helped foist on us here in CA, he gave her money as recently as 2012.
    If it appears that I keep tying a lot of bad things to Trump, It is not me, Trump tied himself to these things.
    People need to know what Trump has done to a lot of us, especially here in CA.

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