Sanders Campaign Accuses Hillary of Making ‘Deal With the Devil’ – IOTW Report

Sanders Campaign Accuses Hillary of Making ‘Deal With the Devil’


TownHall: Civility has officially exited the Democratic presidential primary. While Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders were bickering this week over who was qualified (or inadequately qualified) to be president, Sanders’ campaign manager Jeff Weaver was accusing Clinton of making devilish deals with Wall Street.

hillary demon logo

“I think if you look at her record and you look at her campaign, her campaign is funded by millions and millions of dollars from wall street and other special interests,” Weaver told CNN’s Carol Costello. “She really made a deal with the devil, and we know the devil wants his money in the end. So that’s the kind of campaign he’s running.  more here

4 Comments on Sanders Campaign Accuses Hillary of Making ‘Deal With the Devil’

  1. She sold her soul to Satan decades before Sanders was aware of her.

    He’s just pissed that he had to stand in line behind her to sell HIS soul to Satan …

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Two progressive socialists arguing over who is least qualified to represent satan in the democratic party.

    They’re both winners in those categories.

    Who wants to destroy 200 years of the Republic?
    It’s close, but hillary does have more practical experience.

  3. And one of her hero’s and mentors is Saul Alinsky whose book Rules For Radicals was dedicated to Lucifer. That’s all you need to know. You can tell who a person is by who their friends are and who they associate with and their fruits which are either good or bad. And all her fruits are spoiled rotten and bad from the getgo. So are bernie’s!

  4. I would comment on this thread, but Lucifer has a strict rule about CONFIDENTIALITY. Plus, it might be considered “Insider Trading” if you have an office pool going at work.


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