The Folly of Suing Gun Manufacturers – IOTW Report

The Folly of Suing Gun Manufacturers

guns American revolutionaries

CR: It is somewhat amusing watching two Democrats battle it out over firearms. Hillary Clinton has been attacking Bernie Sanders over his answer regarding lawsuits against firearm manufacturers due to the criminal acts perpetrated by others.

Currently, firearm manufacturers and firearms dealers are covered under the Protection of Lawful Commerce In Arms Act which became law under President George W. Bush in 2005.  It became necessary when states and cities began filing lawsuits against the manufacturers. Critics said they were attempting to make law through litigation, and they were right. The lawsuits were punctuated with demands that dealers track guns they sell and that manufacturers implement certain “safety” features.  more here

19 Comments on The Folly of Suing Gun Manufacturers

  1. As a weapons manufacturer I find it HUMEROUS the Feds are going to let someone sue me after they’ve claimed responsibility for deciding who gets a gun and who doesn’t. Good luck with that Hillary you drunk old bitch.

  2. Brad, I am on your side most of the time.
    However, you have invested far too much in Trump.
    You have gone all in on a pair of deuces.
    You can’t see it yet, but that is understandable.

    This post wasn’t even about Cruz.

    I feel your pain bro.
    Go ahead, take it out on me.
    I am a tough SOB and can take it.
    There for ya pal.

  3. Brad, I am on your side most of the time.

    No your not. Cruz just gave Turtle Boy a head job to get elected. Everyone looks the other way. Here’s the big joke, do you really think Turtle Boy and GOP establishment will allow Cruz to become President? Mean while low level Cruz delegates are cheating to get Cruz elected and then tweeting “#NeverTrump. The American way.

  4. Hey Loco, do Trump supporters votes count at all? It’s not looking that way. Be careful. Historically I’ve always wondered what it would take to drive the average citizen to arms. I always figured there was nothing that could drive us to that point and we were doomed to be conquered by anybody that wanted to. Well I’ve found the catalyst, and it’s not liberal progressives, it’s fake conservatives.

  5. I own enough firearms and ammunition that it would make the national news if I were to do anything stupid with them, but I am a Cruz supporter even though I have serious disagreements with Cruz.
    I tried to warn the Trumpinistas, and I receive no joy in watching their guy crash and burn.
    It has to be hard for them, otherwise they would not blindly attack everyone for the tiniest slight.
    When it is all over most of us will move on and pretend that the tantrums never happened.

  6. I thank you for the compliment, but I am not in his league.
    Through years of effort I came to understand his mathematical theories, but there is no way I would ever have arrived at them myself.

  7. Wow, the long term dementia runs deep with this one. Who crapped in his wheaties? He blathers on about “all talk, no action”, yet that’s all I see out of weak_willie is just that, all talk, no action.

    And for the record weak_willie, you know nothing about me, so don’t even start to go there.

    Bye, now.

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