Texas Democrats GIVE WEED for Voting – IOTW Report

Texas Democrats GIVE WEED for Voting

Rio Grande Valley

CaliforniaPoliticalReview: Democrats in Texas are different.  While this is a small story about political corruption, it could happen here.  In parts of Texas Democrat voters are given a bribe to vote—marijuana!  Seriously.  Some involved have been arrested and convicted.

“Shady ballot brokers are “doping the vote” in the Rio Grande Valley, an election-watch group says. Now the FBI is on the case.

“(The politiqueras) took voters to their weed man after voting,” Logan Churchwell, a spokesman for True the Vote, told Watchdog.org.  MORE

8 Comments on Texas Democrats GIVE WEED for Voting

  1. Rounding up bums and ne’er-do-wells and giving them cigarettes or booze for votes has a long history.
    These days the low life’s prefer pot.
    This is just vote rigging keeping up with the times.

  2. There isn’t enough cannabis to make me vote Democrat.
    In Colorado the Republicans cancelled the GOP primary altogether! This is turning out to be the most ridiculous election in my lifetime.

  3. I thought marijuana was illegal in Texas. Unlike Wash. State where they just found out in a survey that people are now spending more money on pot than they are milk, bread and wine. I guess the state will pay for the bread and milk as well as the circus to keep idiots happy buying their dope and voting for the democraps.

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