NC Representative Fires Back At PayPal Hypocrisy – IOTW Report

NC Representative Fires Back At PayPal Hypocrisy

North Carolina’s representatives are not backing down.

NC paypal response

RS: Last week saw the state’s Lieutenant Governor Dan Forest respond to PayPal’s announcement that they were suspending plans to expand their business in North Carolina, in objection to the recently passed bathroom bill. Lt. Governor Forest posted a photo of PayPal’s global operations center, which has clearly defined, gender-specific bathrooms.

The cultural Marxist crowd really are all about “Do as I say, not as I do.”

Not to be outdone, NC Representative Robert Pittenger issues this statement:  Read more 

23 Comments on NC Representative Fires Back At PayPal Hypocrisy

  1. Well done, Mr. Pittenger. Alas, truth matters not to the rabid left. I heard this morning that the government of Dayton, Ohio now bans official travel to North Carolina and Mississippi merely because these states have the gall to exercise their rights.

  2. I don’t know Menderman, you tell me. The only time you seem to mind is if it’s negative against Cruz – and I didn’t see that very important topic covered here.

    Just wanted to know what people here think about it.

  3. Gladys. The rule was made almost a year ago and Trump was happy with it until it didn’t go as he expected.
    It has been well known and discussed since at least August of last year. This is not ‘news’ by any objective standard.

  4. Gladys, its the ways the rules are set up. It looks corrupt and thanks to Trumps style it’s being exposed. There are those just fine with the status quo of hidden behind the scenes gaming, but now it’s out in the open. That’s a good thing in my view. Now those “low information voters” and those “not that engaged” are getting an education.

  5. These corporations need to be held to account.
    What Paypal is doing has nothing to do with rights, it is just political pandering. just like Apple, who opens locked phones for every dictatorship on earth, but won’t unlock a terrorists phone here over ‘principle’.
    Don’t get me started on what Google does to advance the worlds most evil regimes.

  6. JohnS you are skilled at missing the point.

    The fix was in, no way did Trump ever think this was going to go his way. He is now using it to shore up future votes and delegate negotiatons. Hoping to use the CO GOP#NeverTrump victory against Cruz and the GOP in the east.

    I think it will work.

  7. Thank you for that link Czar. Rafael Cruz may think he’s pulled some kind of awesome fast one, but just wait until Coloradans vote in the general – it won’t be for Cruz, and all those delegates he stole won’t mean sh*t. Maybe it’s a good thing, so more and more people can see what kind of POS he really is.

    Altho, JohnS’s head is so far up Cruz @ss, I doubt he’ll ever see sunlight again.

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