Rubio has over 500,000 more votes than Kasich – IOTW Report

Rubio has over 500,000 more votes than Kasich

FAM: Marco Rubio ended his campaign after he lost Florida to Donald Trump. That was March 15th.

kasich pizza

Fast forward to today with just over a week to go before the New York primary, and Marco Rubio still has more than 500,000 more votes than third place clown John Kasich. What an embarrassment if you are John Kasich.

As of April 10th, 2016, Marco Rubio has 3,482,129 total GOP primary votes while Kasich the clown from Ohio only has 2,979,379. How do you explain still being 500,000 votes down on a candidate that left the race nearly a month ago?  MORE

22 Comments on Rubio has over 500,000 more votes than Kasich

  1. Rubio has 169 delegates. These will most likely go to Cruz on a second ballot. It is Kasich’s job to siphon just enough votes from Trump to keep him from 1237 and ensure the second ballot, where the delegates are no longer bound. The only one who benifits from Kasich remaining in the race is Cruz.

  2. Well, of course. Kasich thinks he’s going to get something out of this.

    So does Rubio, but at least Rubio was a viable candidate for a while, consistently beating out the One True Ted.

  3. Strangely, or perhaps not, Rubio is still holding onto his delegates. My suspicion is that, like Kasich, he hopes to broker a veep slot. The way this primary has progressed is unfortunate. If Trump and Cruz were on the same ticket, I think we’d get the best arrangement we could hope for.

  4. John: No I haven’t seen any polls that indicate which way Kasich voters would vote if he wasn’t in the race, so I assume it might be 50/50. However, my point was that Trump has a mathematical chance of hitting 1237 where Cruz does not. A third candidate reduces Trump’s chances. We already know that the GOP establishment (and obviously Cruz) wants a second ballot, because it releases the (establishment) delegates to vote for Cruz (the default establishment choice).

  5. Tony all the exit polls I have seen show 70% or better would pick Cruz second. About the same percentage as Rubio voters.
    If that is the case, and it has been consistent across the polls, then Kasich staying in is helping Trump just as Trump did better when Rubio was in the race.

  6. If votes actually mattered. It’s delegates. What you, I, and most of the readers here think or how we vote just doesn’t count. Period. Rules are rules, we must just accept and live by them.

  7. Our founders would have been proud of him.
    They were principled men who would never have even considered asking to change the rules in a game they came to willingly upon discovering that they may not win.
    They would have kept their word and abided by the rules they agreed upon.
    Anyone with even a speck of character would do the same.

  8. JohnS doesn’t think our individual votes should account for anything. JohnS doesn’t seem to think the individual should have any say in this process. JohnS doesn’t think our delegates votes should be a reflection of their districts. JohnS is not a conservative. JohnS has little understanding of why we had a Revolutionary War.

  9. @Brad: JohnS also thinks we shouldn’t draw Social Security because it is “welfare” and it is dragging the economy down.

    Guess who is probably going to be first in line as soon as he’s eligible to apply for it (assuming he even is)?


  10. JohnS, you’re babbling. The rules are constantly being manipulated. For example Colorado, which you inexplicably pretend Trump was in favor of – until he wasn’t- was a clear cut case of GOPe disallowing voters a choice.

    Kasich holding out hoping rule 40b will be might be struck, which was only put in place to aid Romney in 2012

    Oregon is doing away with superdelegates.

  11. Trump won 32% of the vote in South Carolina and received 100% of the delegates. 68% of the voters were disenfranchised according to Trumps theory.

    Not knowing the rules of the game and losing the game doesn’t mean your opponent is cheating, their just better than you.

  12. Isn’t it funny, that Cruz, supposedly the REAL anti-establishment candidate, seems to be the benificiary of all the rules-changes, and other chicanery devised by the establishment republicans?

  13. JohnS is constantly mixing up “voters” and “delegates” here. NOT a mistake. Disinformation seems to be a tool he uses often.

    At the Convention, it’s the DELEGATES who matter.


    TO Menderman

    SO: you are equating the result of how a State sets up its Primary rules (SC) with a candidate stealing delegates AFTER THE PRIMARY by manipulating the process. Good to know.

  14. I understand the psychology at play here.
    Trump is the best negotiator and deal maker, just ask him, he will tell you it is a fact.
    That being the case, when someone else wins the only plausible explanation is cheating.
    That is why everyone is now getting up in arms about something that has been known for 8 months.
    During those 8 months it was presumed that Trump would win, so everybody was happy with the situation.
    But Trump didn’t win. As a matter of fact, while Cruz was storming the place, Trump was ignoring it because he thought he had it in the bag.

  15. Understanding the process is not cheating or stealing.

    Did Dean Smith cheat going to 4 corners with 19 minutes left in the game?

    Did Jimmy Valvano cheat by intentionally fouling weak free throw shooters?

    No. Smith and Valvano knew how to use the rules to win the game. Some folks didn’t like it, so as time went on the rules were changed so that kind of “manipulation” was against the rules. Trump doesn’t know the rules and he is losing because of it.

  16. @Brad: Yeah, I tried to explain it to him in the comments on an earlier post:

    However, my viewpoint didn’t count, because the only thing that matters now is that Social Security is going broke, so I should be willing to forego my “welfare” payments for the greater good of the State. I guess JohnS is not one of those “principled men who would never have even considered asking to change the rules” he mentioned earlier.

    Ah well, “from each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs”*, right…?

    (* – Karl Marx dictum, ICYDK)

    FRIDAY, APRIL 15 AT 3:00PM
    Colorado GOP Headquarters

    The Colorado Republican Party shamefully silenced its voters this election season. We demand that Colorado give the power to vote in the Presidential Primary to the voters. We will exercise our right to assemble and peacefully protest the corruption of the Colorado GOP and disenfranchisement that we the voters have suffered.

    CO GOP tweet: We did it #NeverTrump

    Just becuase something is legal does not make it right. Isnt that what we have heard from Trump haters for months now?
    He uses the system, he is corrupt, he is part of the system – part of the problem? Sorry guys, Cruz is no better than Trump, you can climb off your pedestals now.

  18. “Understanding the process is not cheating”. True, on its face, however, to collude with the GOP to deny an entire
    State having it’s votes be counted because you (GOP and Cruz) don’t think you will like the outcome (Trump winning the delegates), is wrong, immoral and indefensible. Is it “cheating”? Yes.

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