Obama: Libya war worst mistake of his presidency – IOTW Report

Obama: Libya war worst mistake of his presidency


So we actually executed this plan as well as I could have expected: We got a UN mandate, we built a coalition, it cost us $1 billion—which, when it comes to military operations, is very cheap.

We averted large-scale civilian casualties, we prevented what almost surely would have been a prolonged and bloody civil conflict. And despite all that, Libya is a mess.”

SNIP: And then he went on to say American gun violence
is worse than terrorism.

Read more @ Inquisitr

11 Comments on Obama: Libya war worst mistake of his presidency

  1. “we prevented what almost surely would have been a prolonged and bloody civil conflict.”

    this is a matter of opinion and can never be verified one way or another and is most assuredly false.

    smartest president in history my ass, just a slick talking lawyer who has other slick talking lawyers bamboozled.

    obama voters make me sick.

  2. obama is not an empty suit

    he is a suit full of lies

    most recently, the same man uttered the words in defense of clinton’s private server, classified emails, etc “there’s classified and there’s classified”

    as a military officer, had i breached the required handling of classified documents and dismissed same with such flippancy, i wonder how that statement would play out at my court martial

    what a lying pos, a shining example of delusional grandeur while the country sinks into the abyss

    i feel like i am living thru an 8 year nightmare

  3. obama resume



    security clearance
    none needed

    prior experience
    non-voting senator
    community organizer

    took america to the bottom faster than anyone could have believe possible
    changed allies to enemies, emboldened enemies
    increased america’s debt to $19T, higher than ever before
    stoked the fires of divisiveness to new levels
    enacted many executive, dictatorial executive actions to turn the country to my determined solutions
    moved the country toward gay marriage, heading toward recognizing any perversity as legitimized, non-gender direction
    weakened the all-too-powerful military, neutered the joint chiefs of staff, enacted first lgbt, friendlier, gayer troop population
    opened the opportunity for iran to move forward with their plan to destroy the israel and western nations
    protected clinton, holder, and many others from indictments
    enacted a health care plan that is guaranteed to add to the economic stranglehold
    ensured that our policemen and policewomen are no longer capable of defending themselves in black communities

    succeeded tremendously with my plan to turn away from the intent of the founding fathers and constitution, and fundamentally transform america, and did so in less than 2 terms of office

    references and influences
    reverend jeremiah wright, saul alinsky, fidel and raúl Castro, bill ayers, hassan rouhani
    many others upon request

  4. Interesting timing on this as it was Hilary who pushed for the Libyan adventure so she would have war hawk cred in the election. . . didn’t work out well for anybody but the Jihadists.

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