VIDEO: Sexual predators take advantage of transgender laws – IOTW Report

VIDEO: Sexual predators take advantage of transgender laws

AmericanThinker:  It may not have been intended, but it was predictable.

tranny attack in bathroom

This video spells out case after case of sexual predators entering women’s locker rooms and dressing rooms and other private places that are speedily becoming “unprivate,” demanding to shower and change with them.

Don’t you remember?  There is an alleged right to privacy in the Constitution.  And this leads to the right to an abortion that mysteriously also exists in the said document.  So why can’t women demand their right to privacy in public facilities?

tranny attacks woman in restroom

One older male bruiser wearing an old lady wig entered a facility, but a woman quite sensibly challenged him, demanding to know why he was there.  She wanted her right to privacy.  He sucker-punched her and caused $60,000 worth of injuries to her face.

The video presents other disturbing cases.

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22 Comments on VIDEO: Sexual predators take advantage of transgender laws

  1. The Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County is being threatened with a lawsuit because their medical plan won’t pay for the transgender operation of a ten-year employee.
    “It’s very disappointing that the healthcare decision between a doctor and a patient is being ruled by a politically appointed library board,” said Cincinnati Councilman Chris Seelbach. Seelbach is the first openly gay politician elected to city council.

    Hell, meet handbasket.

  2. Sexual predators are the only people pushing this crap.
    People that fantasize about being assaulted by sexual predators are the only ones going along with it.
    The other 99% of us realize the whole proposition is insane.

  3. Yeah. They’ve managed to make homosexuals normal… the next iteration is baby fuckers.

    Mooslimes are cool; fags are people,too; terrorists just want a fair wage; global warming is getting rid of those pesky fires in your combustion chambers; Bruce Jenner is a hero; Illegal aliens are just sad, put upon people who want to have access to toilet paper….

    The world is fucked up.

  4. Back when I was a kid we knew about all of these kinds of ‘people’.
    They lived in our neighborhood, and we were taught to avoid them.
    A guy four houses down from me had a Dad that changed teams. it was rough on him, we wouldn’t go to his house, but he was still accepted.
    These people have always been here, it just was never a big deal because they kept it out of our face and didn’t require anything other than being left alone.
    Believe me, we wanted to leave them alone.
    That was the late 60’s early 70’s.
    Today, too few have the courage to keep them in check.
    The wolves move closer to the home when they suspect the owner is out of ammunition.

  5. “We need a massive solar flare. ”

    That or a nice swift meteor. Since NASA’s new mission is to promote Islam, they won’t even know to tell us it’s about to happen.

    Seems the meteor odds are more likely. Hmm. What if.

    Question for the masses:

    What would you do if you knew an Earth shattering meteor was going to strike the Earth in 14 days?

  6. Dems have worked hard for 40, 50, 60 years, to get G-d and Religion out of school and government, to America’s great detriment.

    The constitution was written for a moral and religious people.

  7. “Dems have worked hard for 40, 50, 60 years, to get G-d and Religion out of school and government, to America’s great detriment.”

    No matter how much they deny it, Dems emulate Hitler in that respect and many others.

  8. It is the “policy” of my employer, the Unified Court System of New York State, that members of the public can whichever rest rooms in court buildings make them feel “comfortable.”

    Fuck that shit. My Dad was a Marine and a cop. It is my personal “policy” to beat the living daylights out of rapists in ladies’ rooms. It makes me more “comfortable” not to have to worry about getting hurt by these creeps.

  9. I don’t understand why the women of this country are not revolting and starting protests.
    I would join in any marches.
    To me, at this time, this loss of privacy and safety in women’s rooms is more immediately important than most any other women’s rights issue.
    – Oh, and they should vote against all Democrats that are pushing this agenda.

  10. O.k., people can use any bathroom or locker room they feel comfortable in. My guess is that pedophiles, voyeurs and associated perverts actually feel comfortable in rest rooms traditionally designated for the opposite sex (particularly if they can’t be charged with a crime), so they should be legally permitted to be there. The fact that some women may be assaulted, molested, uncomfortable or raped is no justification for denying these fine citizens their invisible Constitutional rights.

    So, do I pass my eligibility test for the U.S. Supreme Court?

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