What gay-crusading corporations in North Carolina don’t get – IOTW Report

What gay-crusading corporations in North Carolina don’t get

NC paypal response

AT:   If you’re tired, like me, of being bulldozed by political correctness, especially when it applies to gays and the transgendered, then you just have to cheer for North Carolina Governor, Pat McCrory, for standing up to the corporate extortion against his state for passing commonsense legislation to deal with the issue of who can use what bathrooms.  Unlike Georgia’s Governor Nathan Deal, who caved in to the out-of-state pressure and betrayed his constituents, McCrory showed some spine and nicely told all the corporate extortionists where they could stick their threats of jobs and tax losses.

This is a phenomenon taking place all over that part of America where common sense still rules the thinking of those ordinary citizens fed up with the growing lunacy of political correctness.  This is especially true in those situations where the lesbian/gay/whatever coterie seem hell-bent on forcing their behaviors on communities that have long held them unacceptable.  The problem arises when gay activists are unwilling to settle for resigned, indifferent acceptance of their proclivities, instead becoming insistent on forced public acknowledgment and acceptance of such issues as gay marriage and restroom access.

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19 Comments on What gay-crusading corporations in North Carolina don’t get

  1. If you sell on ebay, you must accept and use PayPal, which I believe is owned by ebay.

    Some serious monopoly or anti-trust bullshit going on.
    In addition, ebay charges you a fee based on what you charge for shipping. Also a bunch of bullshit.

    Ask yourself, why the hell is PayPal even involved in this shit?

  2. McCrory may be backing down a bit, but he shouldn’t. He released this video today:


    I am sure he is getting pressure from the GOP to not frig up in an election year…I am just as sure that the DNC influenced the Charlotte City Council to pass this bill suddenly as they already had their prepared response and actors to feign being butthurt over nothing. The characters have rehearsed and got all their lines right, now they are on stage playing their parts.

  3. Why the hell are Conservatives always caving into freaks, fags, weirdos, degenerates, criminals, pervs, aberrations, anomalies, miscreants, and other democrats? Time for Conservatives to man up and take a stand. Pathetic to see Ann Coulter out-man most conservative men. Go Ann.

  4. Loco, that is not exactly true, but they do set up barriers to operating otherwise.
    ACH is available, as is the more expensive Visa and other credit cards.
    ACH is not used much on Ebay, but it is how business is transacted among those who do not wish to be ripped off.

  5. O.k. – LGBT people have rights. Do teenage girls have rights? Specifically, the right to keep people with dicks out of their bathrooms and locker rooms? I believe that there are more teenage girls in the United States than dudes who think they are women, so why do we trample the rights of the majority to cater to this minority – particularly when this minority has ready access to bathrooms and locker rooms specifically designed for people with dicks?

    Maybe Bruce Sprinsteen can mumble a reason for this in some half-assed song.

  6. JohnS, what do you think about ebay trying to promote “free shipping”, by charging the same percentage to the seller for shipping costs?
    To me that is fraud. How can they effectively add a fee to shipping?
    Should have been a class action lawsuit against this years ago.

  7. Loco, the shipping crap sucks. I got bit hard on a 200lb item that ended up with a $2.65 shipping cost because I failed to notice that ebay created a shipping cost without my noticing.
    I sold the item for $810 and ended up eating $190 in shipping costs or be forced to eat $380 and start over.
    With ebay, you have to dot every I and cross every T or you will get screwed.
    Even then you can have your money pulled out of Paypal after it has been deposited in your bank.
    We are accustomed to ducking under machinegun fire, but the rounds coming from underneath are hard to dodge.

  8. Gov. McCrory is making concessions, but it will do no good. The opposition is already saying it’s not enough. The left has dug in their warped heels in NC. His rival for governor, the current Attorney General Roy Cooper is a hardcore leftist and is doing everything he can to undermine NC legislation and turn NC into a socialist wasteland.
    McCrory may not get a second term. Cooper has Soros style financial backing. If Cooper becomes governor, he will use executive orders to overturn conservative legislation. It not looking good.

  9. “In addition, ebay charges you a fee based on what you charge for shipping”

    Considering I have seen multitudes of products for pennies on Ebay that have shipping charges way above actual shipping costs, I think Ebay caught on to where they were getting bypassed on many transactions.

    Provide free service or follow the money? You deal with where the money is. Otherwise you go under providing free or, at least, business-killing unprofitable service.

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