UPDATE: Were “refugees” beating up Canadian kids at a Halifax school or not? – IOTW Report

UPDATE: Were “refugees” beating up Canadian kids at a Halifax school or not?

As The Rebel has been reporting since the beginning, the story started last weekend when the Halifax Chronicle-Herald ran a shocking news story that Syrian migrant kids in elementary school were beating up Canadian kids. The newspaper even said they heard from four different people about the story.

In journalism, four different sources is an impressive number. But then, as we told you, the paper changed their story online — then took it down entirely and replaced with a note.

The note didn’t say the story was false, though, just that more work needed to be done on the story. But it’s been four days now, and we don’t have more facts from the paper.  MORE

6 Comments on UPDATE: Were “refugees” beating up Canadian kids at a Halifax school or not?

  1. “We pulled the story because we are desperately looking for more facts. Oh, we already have a lot of facts, but we don’t like them. They are racist facts, and would leave a bad impression of the brutal little monsters at the school (a correct impression, to be sure, but bad – BAD!). So we’re looking for more facts to distract our readers from the facts we already have. The ones we don’t like. But none have turned…SQUIRREL!”

  2. You are entitled to your own opinion. You are NOT entitled to your own facts.

    And the Legacy Media wonders why it’s circling the drain of both bankruptcy and irrelevancy.

  3. Amazing, that this is news! Hasn’t anyone heard or seen how the animals have treated their European hosts? Welcome to the world of non-vetted ‘refugees’.

    This is the chaos Obama has worked so hard to have as his legacy. Opening the jails and borders and encouraging criminal behavior=chaos. He smile hugely.

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