White House Defends Clinton, De Blasio After Racially-Charged Joke – IOTW Report

White House Defends Clinton, De Blasio After Racially-Charged Joke


WFB: The White House defended Hillary Clinton and New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio for their records on civil rights as the two Democrats received scrutiny for delivering a racially charged joke at a weekend event.

White House press secretary Josh Earnest said Tuesday that he had not heard the joke that Clinton and de Blasio delivered in New York City but made the point of championing their “genuine commitment” to civil rights issues, The Hill reported.  MORE

28 Comments on White House Defends Clinton, De Blasio After Racially-Charged Joke

  1. Only CERTAIN people are allowed to make racial jokes. If you don’t know whether or not you are among the CERTAIN people with this privilege, then you are NOT one of them. CERTAIN people are more equal than others (said the PIG, in George Orwell’s “Animal Farm”).

  2. how about LBJ’s old knee-slapper about how the donks will have the negroes voting for them for two hundred years, and he didn’t say “negroes” ?
    These folks are sooo funny

  3. You can’t be offended if it doesn’t apply to you. They want to apply it to you, but they can’t. Just laugh at ’em. Eleanor Roosevelt had it right. You know what I’m talking about.

    By the way, being married to someone of color doesn’t give a person the right to make jokes about people of color. Just saying. 😉

  4. I have to admit that President Johnson was 100% correct when he said he’d have these niggers voting democratic for the next 200 years.

    The true racists are the democrats; always have been, too.

  5. Does anyone think that the intense hatred between the ClintonCartel and the Barky and Moochie regime is held in check by what Hittlery has on Barky? Daresay she knows where he was really from, and for whom he works, and its not us….hence he backtracks and tap dances to keep the lid on his shit….

  6. You know how progs are… You object to men in dresses following a girl scout troop into the ladies room and you’re automatically branded as neo-Hitler, but if a progtard dons black face and starts telling nigger jokes, then it’s all a matter of context and nuance.

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