Lib Organizations Unveil Attack on Julián Castro to Block Clinton VP Pick – IOTW Report

Lib Organizations Unveil Attack on Julián Castro to Block Clinton VP Pick

WFB:  An alliance of liberal groups is collaborating to launch an attack

julian castro libs blocking vp chance

on Housing and Urban Development Secretary Julián Castro in an attempt to proactively block him from becoming Hillary Clinton’s vice president pick, alleging he sold delinquent mortgage loans to Wall Street.

Politico reported Tuesday that the group was circulating petitions to millions of people with the unambiguous aim to “publicly discredit Castro as a progressive, latching onto the mortgage issue to seed enough suspicion to keep him off Clinton’s shortlist.”

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10 Comments on Lib Organizations Unveil Attack on Julián Castro to Block Clinton VP Pick

  1. ..and bb, i agree, mexico is one of the most corrupt countries on the planet, and their smugness and criticism of the us is a tedious, relentless annoyance

    sadly, many of the folks trying to get across the border are good people, trying to escape a terrible country, they get nothing out of their country, while the presidente always retires in abundant wealth

    ulysses grant felt that the civil war was god’s retribution for annexing a large part of mexico, but imagine if had not, we would have a bigger border to manage and a bigger shithole neighbor

    shame on mexico

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