Writer Out Salons – IOTW Report Writer Out Salons

DMF: This primary season has brought out the crazies in mass. The over the top, the uninitiated, the attention hungry websites and the clueless first time voters.


The right has its own wealth of these, but the crazy needle on the left always points directly to

Lately, for the most part, all Salon does is yell shrilly at people for belly dancing while white or other, but equally genocidal crimes against the proletariat. It’s also become the favored home of young idiots smugly explaining the many murders of Hillary Clinton.

But in a posting Saturday they were playing deep left field crazy more than the usual.  MORE

7 Comments on Writer Out Salons

  1. Seems perfectly logical to me.
    I would prefer that the stupid not vote.
    For the most part, the people who don’t vote have no clue as to what is going on or why. I am at a loss to see how their participation would do other than muck things up.
    We need to tell all the non thinkers that staying home and not voting is good and noble.

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