Top Trump aide lobbied for Pakistani spy front – IOTW Report

Top Trump aide lobbied for Pakistani spy front

Yahoo: For more than five years, Donald Trump’s new top campaign aide, Paul Manafort, lobbied for a Washington-based group that Justice Department prosecutors have charged operated as a front for Pakistan’s intelligence service, according to court and lobbying records reviewed by Yahoo News.

manafort trump

Manafort’s work in the 1990s as a registered lobbyist for the Kashmiri American Council was only one part of a wide-ranging portfolio that, over several decades, included a gallery of controversial foreign clients ranging from Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos and Zaire’s brutal dictator Mobutu Sese Seko to an Angolan rebel leader accused by human rights groups of torture.

His role as an adviser to Ukraine’s then prime minister, Viktor Yanukovych, an ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin, prompted concerns within the Bush White House that he was undermining U.S. foreign policy. It was considered so politically toxic in 2008 that presidential candidate John McCain nixed plans for Manafort to manage the Republican National Convention — a move that caused a rupture between Manafort and his then business partner, Rick Davis, who at the time was McCain’s campaign manager.  more here

31 Comments on Top Trump aide lobbied for Pakistani spy front

  1. Isn’t this the same insiders Trump rails against?

    In 1986, Manafort was paid more than $326,000 by a developer to lobby a Reagan administration official to approve a $43 million taxpayer-funded grant for a housing project in New Jersey that local officials didn’t even want. His role in the deal became the subject of a congressional hearing, where Manfort told members of Congress that he shouldn’t be faulted for knowing how to game Washington.

  2. Based on what he learned from Trump’s Art of the Deal I’m sure his arms sale between the Paki’s and the Frogs was a yuge deal.

    Sooo we should worry just because somebody he used to work for tried to get nukes for Osama? Can anybody produce a picture of Manafort holding a poster that said #nukesForOsama?

    Wouldn’t it be funny if it turned out the campaign managers and the shadow campaign managers for all of the D & R candidates were nothing more than a firm of arms dealers, spies, and hit men with some white slavery on the side?

  3. Zonga:

    Wouldn’t it be funny if it turned out the campaign managers and the shadow campaign managers for all of the D & R candidates were nothing more than a firm of arms dealers, spies, and hit men with some white slavery on the side?

    Yes! You could make a joke line out of that: “Please, please, please don’t tell my mother that I’m a political campaign manager! She thinks I’m the piano player at a whorehouse.”

  4. Trump could eat live new born kittens at one of his rallies, and his supporters would say “Yawn”….

    Remind you of any other President?

    (Oh, and Trump would name the kittens before he ate them…Megyn would be the first to go…)

  5. John McCain met with and helped arm ISIS before they were ISIS on behalf of Obama. I think that a sitting Senator and President aiding and abetting a terrorist group is a little more serious than a anything a guy did who was hired to round up delegates.

  6. MJA what a load of shit this is from 1990 to 1995? You put up anything you can to tear down Trump everyday. But all you put up is how great let me lick your butt Levin, Cruz is. You have done more damage to this site in the last two months then can imagine. I was having fun here with this election and the back and forth but no more. You call us Trump supporters thin skinned and the instigators of most of the dust ups. Look in the mirror. Looks like its time to find another blog after 7 years. Now rip me I could care less.

  7. When Trump hires an insider he blesses, then forgives them and they are forever absolved of their insider sins (at least as long as they stay with Trump), so he can hire many of them, as he is currently doing.

  8. @Callie – I second that emotion about MJA and her posts. And the same goes for you too Diogenes. You posted a brief synopsis of a legitimate story that in normal times would rightly be treated as a valid part of the conversation about candidates – here’s hoping that times become “normal” again soon.

  9. I for one don’t care what the anti Trump people post here. Trump supporters are going to hear it sooner or later anyway, might as wee be here. I don’t care what Manafort or Trump has done in the past, I’m looking at what they can do for our future.

    Diogenes, the LA Times a legitimate source. Paaaalease.

  10. Reagan hired him. So did Ford, Bush, etc, etc. His resume reads like a hired gun. He even helped out some Ukranian politician. He probably is a snake. But aren’t they all

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