Kim Jong-un bans jeans, piercings in crackdown on Western influence – IOTW Report

Kim Jong-un bans jeans, piercings in crackdown on Western influence

WaTimes: Kim Jong-un is apparently the squarest tyrant (with the literally-squarest haircut).

kim jong un finger

In an edict straight from a 1950s anti-Elvis cautionary-tale movie (or maybe “Footloose”), the North Korean regime is reportedly expanding its campaign against Western decadence in the poverty-stricken nation to — jeans and piercings.

According to Japan’s Asia Press, the reclusive Communist dictatorship plans a broad fashion crackdown ahead of the 7th Congress of its Workers Party, fearing contamination of its Juche-militant society.

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8 Comments on Kim Jong-un bans jeans, piercings in crackdown on Western influence

  1. yeah and I bet Kimmy Jr has rows of slim-leg levis sized 60 x 20 inch studded and spangled in his closets…also bet he has all 4 nipples on his moobs peirced with enough hardward to pull them down to his fat waist…such a saturday night demi(dog)…

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