CA Celebrities accidentally register for ultraconservative party – IOTW Report

CA Celebrities accidentally register for ultraconservative party


WT: Tens of thousands of California voters, including actresses Demi Moore, Kaley Cuoco and Emma Stone, have mistakenly registered as members of the ultraconservative American Independent Party, The Los Angeles Times has found.

The pro-life, anti-gay marriage group bills itself as “The Fastest Growing Political Party in California,” but a survey conducted for The Times found that nearly three in four members registered with the party in error because of confusion over the word “independent.” Many of the voters who registered as AIP members apparently believed they were declaring no party affiliation. A voter registered with the AIP will be allowed to vote only for presidential candidates on the AIP ballot, The Times reported.

“And now, I’m going to have to tell them,” Jill LaVine, Sacramento County’s registrar of voters, told The Times. “And this is going to hit them hard.”  MORE

4 Comments on CA Celebrities accidentally register for ultraconservative party

  1. Interesting. Those who registered for the wrong party are really stupid. There are only six “official” parties listed for voter registration, but you can select “other” and fill in the name of a party that hasn’t hit the numbers needed to become certified. Those six are (list is alphabetically ordered):

    – American Independent
    – Democratic
    – Green
    – Libertarian
    – Peace and Freedom
    – Republican

    “No party preference” is a separate box to check. It used to be labeled simply “Independent” but isn’t any longer.

    Since 2010, voters can vote for any candidate regardless of voter or candidate party – except for presidential primaries. But only if the stupids do nothing will they be locked into the AIP. You can change your party up to 15 days before the election, and CA’s primary isn’t until June 7 it appears.

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