Sheriff Clarke Rips Hillary’s ‘Disgusting,’ ‘Embarrassing’ Hot Sauce Remark – IOTW Report

Sheriff Clarke Rips Hillary’s ‘Disgusting,’ ‘Embarrassing’ Hot Sauce Remark

sheriff clarke hillary

FOX: Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke appeared on “Fox and Friends” this morning to react to Hillary Clinton “pandering” on a black radio show by claiming that she always carries hot sauce in her bag.

Sheriff Clarke said Clinton’s comment was “dehumanizing, embarrassing and disgusting.” read more

16 Comments on Sheriff Clarke Rips Hillary’s ‘Disgusting,’ ‘Embarrassing’ Hot Sauce Remark

  1. He’s not wrong. The first thing I thought when I saw the remark she had made was pretty much the same thing.

    And also right about if a conservative had said this they would be fired and destroyed.

  2. I know it’s hard to believe but she has actually said this a number of times before. It was even quoted in someone’s WH book(you google it).

    We can get her on the pandering charge 100 different ways but this ain’t one of them.

  3. She started it from her days in Bosnia, pinned down by sniper fire for days.
    All they had were MRE’s and every soldier knows MRE’s taste better with HS.
    She, like a lot of vets caught it, HS I mean…

  4. When I speak with Diehard Hittlery fans, regarding her wonderful track record of accomplishments /sarc , they refuse to believe anything even remotely bad about this criminal demon..the common response is “its all lies and propaganda”…what do you do? How can you argue with an ostrich when you are talking to their ugly butt because their head is buried in the dirt? I wonder if the nazi lovers in 1938 all felt the same about their darling Adolf? We all know how well that worked out for them…or those in Cuba who bought everything the Castros told them as they sank into oblivion? History repeating itself is the poster child for the stupidity of the masses, and leads one to believe we are but a stone’s throw from the collapse of humankind, and the return of the apes…

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