US Army To Fight Climate Change – IOTW Report

US Army To Fight Climate Change

facepalm 3 stooges

WashingtonTimes: The U.S. Army on Thursday pledged to honor “Earth Day” by “reasserting its pledge to address the implications of climate change and assess associated risks to national security.”

In a special message to soldiers, the Army, which faces deep cuts in the ranks of active duty soldiers, said it is focused on “the role the land plays in ensuring the Army remains ready and resilient.”

It urges soldiers to celebrate Earth Day on Friday. The Army also made Earth Day its “focus quote of the day.”  read more

17 Comments on US Army To Fight Climate Change

  1. Hey, Army! You want to honor Earth Day? Frog march the departing dirty greenies back to their litter-strewn grounds and make them clean it up. I’m sick of them leaving tons of crap for others to deal with. They’re as hypocritical as they come.

  2. ..incorporate climate change into every thing they do, from testing and buying weapons, to planning wars, to conducting exercises.

    what a pant load. Last I looked tankers weren’t blowed up because climate and no where does that statement specify conducting wars, but hey it’s probably just aggression obama would apologize for.

  3. well what would you expect the army to do when they have had to drop their standards to allow women into the ranks?

    actually fight a war? that would take men who aren’t scared of chalk names on sidewalks.

    protesting climate change is about all they can do with the current rules of engagement in combat.

  4. Generals George Washington, Robert E. Lee, Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson, Ulysses S. Grant, John “Black Jack” Pershing, Douglas McArthur, George S. Patton, Dwight D. Eisenhower etc. etc. all called from the grave and said unanimously “What the hell happened to the Army.”, and to say that globull warming is a bunch of horseshit.

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