Delegates face death threats from Trump supporters – IOTW Report

Delegates face death threats from Trump supporters

Politico:   […] For months, Trump’s campaign has played a recording before the start of its rallies, encouraging attendees not to physically harm protesters but simply to shout them down with chants of “Trump! Trump! Trump!” But one operative close to the campaign, an ally of Manafort, also blames the old regime for not doing more to rein in the violence that has occurred at some rallies and the threats many continue to make.

“That only happens when somebody is not driving the bus,” the operative said. “That’s all going to settle down now that Paul is in charge.”

But even if Manafort is able to nudge Trump toward a more traditional presidential bearing, the hostile energy his campaign has already whipped up among some supporters has left a trail of anger and intimidation that is likely to linger when the convention comes in July.
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19 Comments on Delegates face death threats from Trump supporters

  1. Sheesh…..I’m so done with all the tabloid style reporting. Wake me up when some politician is actually charged with some sort of crime. I’m tired of all the mud slinging.

    Tell me honestly, Trump lovers, does this change your opinion one iota?

    Cruz supporters, does the sensationalized stories about Ted change your mind at all?

    Why should we believe any of this stuff anyway? They got Hillary red handed on crimes………crickets……..

    It’s time to reboot……

  2. I wonder what that asshole House thought would happen when he disfranchised everyone that voted for Trump. And the tweeted “We Did it. #NeverTrump”. I would expect the same reaction from any voter block that gets ignored. Regardless of who the candidate is.

  3. When will some responsible reporter or law official with the cahones to follow the money trail do so, and link these rabble rousers who don whatever masks they want to at the site to Georg Soros? No one with a brain believes their foot stomping and posturing….all drama queens paid for and owned by the Left and Georg Soros…

  4. STATEMENT: “Stop flinching while I beat you Trump supporters!”
    REPORT: “Trump supporters involved in violence!”

    Göbbels would be SO proud of you.

  5. Step 1.

    Politico reporter makes multiple fake Twitter accounts like GoTrump, TrumpAllTheWay, & MakeAmericaGreatAgain238.

    Step 2.

    Politico reporter sends nasty Tweets to Cruz supporters.

    Step 3.

    Politico reporter writes story about Trump supporters “threatening” Cruz supporters using his own Tweets as proof.

    Step 4.

    Dumb ass Cruz supporters play along with the obvious lie because they think it will help their hopeless candidate who can’t win.

  6. A tsunami of mendacity is sweeping over the Earth.

    America is drowning in it.
    Europe is drowning in it.
    The Mid East is drowning in it.
    Asia is drowning in it.
    Australia is drowning in it.
    The Poles are drowning in it.

    “Don’t believe anything you hear, and only half of what you see.”
    (L. Bowles)

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. No matter the source, that’s a true story. The guy that made the threats is on my Instagram feed. He’s X military, lives in Colorado, and he’s pissed. He was giving the play by play as it was happening. I haven’t seen any posts from him for a while. Not a big surprise I guess.

  8. It is a special kind of coward that makes threats over the internet.
    The kind of person who bullies little kids and kicks dogs.
    They usually wear their hat sideways or backwards so it doesn’t get in the way when smoking a pole.

  9. If this is true, then these people must be the democrats who have have migrated over to the republican party to support Trump. They are still liberals at heart.

  10. “It is a special kind of coward that makes threats over the internet.”

    That’s not what happened. He called House, House started giving him a bunch of crap. And it went on from there.

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