Obama assures Britons he still reveres Churchill – IOTW Report

Obama assures Britons he still reveres Churchill

elizabeth and obamas

WT: Criticized for being anti-British and “part Kenyan,” President Obama tried Friday to explain once and for all the story that he banished a bust of Winston Churchill from the Oval Office when he moved into the White House seven years ago.

According to Mr. Obama, he did indeed move Churchill’s bust out of his office. But he said he gave it a place of honor just as important in the White House residence.

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16 Comments on Obama assures Britons he still reveres Churchill

  1. ‘Part Kenyan’?
    There is zero evidence that Barry Soetoro ever gave up his Kenyan citizenship or legally changed his name to Barrack Obama.
    Also, the Kenyan government is adamant that he was born there.

  2. Did you see the Obama demon show itself when Barry grit its fangs and lied, “I love Winston Churchill. I love the guy.” The Brits were GLAD to get his ass shuttled off their soil.

    I maintain that when Barry crosses over to the other side that our Founding Fathers will be waiting for him with brick bats. Not because he’s half-black but because he’s exactly the type of vermin they railed against. Oh. And Winston will get the final swing as a courtesy. And then God will have his way with him. Got the drapes measured yet F.D.R.? Does The Dark Lord have a scheduled time of arrival?

  3. What is amazing is that Churchill was truly born half-American (his mother, Jenny Churchill was an American citizen), and Winston was made a full honorary American citizen by JFK, a couple of years before Winston passed away in 1965.

    Ofucknuts is nothing but a 100% Muzzie/Commie/Kenyan.

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