Florida keeper broke rules before tiger killed her, zoo says – IOTW Report

Florida keeper broke rules before tiger killed her, zoo says

stacey knowiser zoo keeper killed by tiger

FOX59: FLORIDA (April 23, 2016) — A keeper killed by a tiger at a Florida zoo this month broke the rules when she entered the big cat’s enclosure, zoo officials said.

Stacey Konwiser, 38, died April 15 after a 13-year-old male Malayan tiger delivered a fatal neck injury inside a secured portion of the tiger area.

But questions still remain about the circumstances surrounding the death of the lead tiger keeper at the Palm Beach Zoo.

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14 Comments on Florida keeper broke rules before tiger killed her, zoo says

  1. Rule #1 Don’t get eaten by a tiger

    Rule #2 Never get out of the boat

    You can have the whole goddamn fuckin’ shit, man! You can kiss my ass in the county square cause I’m fuckin’ buggin’ out! I didn’t come here for this! I don’t fuckin’ need it, I don’t want it! I didn’t get out of the goddamn Eighth grade for this kinda shit! All I wanted to do was fuckin’ cook! I just wanted to learn to fuckin’ cook, man!

  2. She shoulda shown him her badge and told him she was an expert on tigers, and here to help, and she was from the government. She failed to to all those simple things, so he hit her like she was a ball of yarn. Now they will probably have to kill him because HE was stupid.. I have no sympathy for people who think animals are like normal humans. Notice I said normal.

  3. ““Why or how this could possibly occur is the subject of five ongoing investigations, including our own,” said Aiken in his statement.”

    Dude…save yourself the trouble.
    She thought the big kitty cat was her friend and wouldn’t hurt her, forgetting that he is still a wild, jungle animal.
    Just ask Roy of “Siegfried and Roy”, if you need confirmation.

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