Conservatives are having a meltdown?! – IOTW Report

Conservatives are having a meltdown?!

PatriotRetort: You know, it’s always a bad idea to read anything posted at The only thing worse than going to is reading anything by Amanda Marcotte at Reading her stuff, I can feel my IQ dropping with each paragraph. According to the latest drivel from the intellectually-challenged Marcotte is the claim

harriet tubman 20 with gun

that we conservatives are having a meltdown over removing Andrew Jackson from the twenty dollar bill and replacing him with Harriet Tubman.


We’re having a meltdown? I’m not having a meltdown. Are you?  MORE

26 Comments on Conservatives are having a meltdown?!

  1. When Lady Liberty is replaced on our gold and silver coins then it’s time to have a meltdown, as in melt down the coins. Otherwise, meh, it’s a piece of paper.

  2. Nope, not even a warming much less a melt. The picture change doesn’t devalue the bill anymore than it has been. Changing from Sawbucks to Tubbies is one of the ‘lesser’ items to be focused on now-a-days.

  3. Just like transgendered bills, this is another attempt to get republican voters revved up. The purpose is to distract and divide. More of the “war on women” shit. Don’t fall for it. We have bigger fish to fry.

  4. Tubman was a gun-toting, Bible-thumping Republican Christian conservative woman fighting oppression by wealthy elite white Democrats like…Andrew Jackson.

    Can’t wait to see the new bills.

  5. It would be delightful if the Kruzites stuck to the post’s subject.

    I don’t have a problem, famous US citizen from back when big money Democrats were slave holders, they still are.

    The $20 looks fine, it will be the same worth won’t it. You know how the Dims shortchange women.

  6. Vietvet, in 2007 the Florida United Numismatists along with Heritage Auctions of Dallas had a large Hobo collection for sale.
    I still have the catalog. Quality stuff.
    Plus they had all kinds of currency.
    $500 bills, $1000, etc.

    It is a great free convention, open to the public if you ever get a chance.
    It is usually in Orlando the second weekend of the year.
    If you run, the Disney marathon, half, 5k, & 10k are the same weekend.

  7. Open the Door–no one made fun of the guy with the Lhasa apso crazy glued to the top of his head, so why do you feel the need to start? It’s not always about The Donald® you know and for you if it is, perhaps you getting a life is in order.

  8. @LocoBlancoSaltine: Sounds like a cool convention, but I’ve reached the age where I’ve begun working on how to get rid of the stuff I have, instead of acquiring more junk for my heirs to try to dispose of after I’ve shuffled off this mortal coil (as someone famously said). If I lived nearby, I might just visit the show like I would a museum, but I don’t. So…

    P.S. – Run? What is this “run” you speak of?


  9. Gosh. Why can’t we allow the Dhimmirats to replace the genocidal founder of the Dhimmicratic party–who was also responsible for appointing a judge that would decide in favor of the Dred Scott decision–with a pro-gun Christian Republican?

    Alewitz, the artist commissioned to create the new image on the bill, said that “he would not disarm Harriet Tubman” when asked to replace a rifle with a staff in his image of her likeness. Hah!!

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