Barry’s obsession with history – IOTW Report

Barry’s obsession with history

PatriotRetort: After lecturing the Brits, our illustrious President jetted to Germany where he lectured those Germans who would question the destruction of their culture by Angela Merkel’s inept and short-sighted “refugee” policy.


You see, those Germans who don’t appreciate gang rapes, jihad by emigration, and footing the bill to provide every possible welfare subsidy to supposed “refugees” are on the wrong side of history my friends. But his good pal Angela got it right.

“She is on the right side of history on this,” the history-obsessed Obama declared. “She is giving voice, I think, to the kinds of principles that bring people together rather than divide them. And I’m very proud of her for that and I’m proud of the German people for that.”

Yup. Nothing like gang rapes to bring people together.  more

8 Comments on Barry’s obsession with history

  1. I see no benefit from bringing together people who would rather remain separate and maintain arms-length toleration. Forcing people who just want to be left alone to interact with people they aren’t like – and don’t like – harms all involved.

    Unless of course you are a despot, in which case maintaining a high level of internal conflict makes it much easier to implement “emergency measures” to control everybody and make them do what you want whether they like it or not.

  2. “She is on the right side of history on this,”

    is that because the victors write the history?

    what an ass.

    the nwo hasn’t won yet and just may have tipped their hand before they were actually ready. the peasants haven’t been cowed entirely yet.

  3. “the history-obsessed obama declared.”

    history obsessed or history ignorant?

    for someone who is obsessed with history he really doesn’t have a very good comprehension of it.

  4. i understand a thing or two about DNA, and it is, if fact, possible that neither one got the “brains”….looks, on the other hand, are subjective…… i feel free to declare that neither one got the “looks,” either……
    they both, apparently, were blessed with excellent handlers from birth, which explains why they are where they are today……


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