16 ‘Pro-LGBT’ Businesses That Operate in Countries With Poor Human Rights Records – IOTW Report

16 ‘Pro-LGBT’ Businesses That Operate in Countries With Poor Human Rights Records

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DailySignal: Big corporations have come out to criticize state religious liberty measures in Georgia, Mississippi, and North Carolina as discriminating against those who aren’t heterosexual, some going as far as to propose boycotting states that enact such laws.

However, several of the most vocal companies that say they stand with lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) Americans also operate in countries with troubling human rights records, including places where homosexuality can result in a death sentence, a review by The Daily Signal shows. more here

7 Comments on 16 ‘Pro-LGBT’ Businesses That Operate in Countries With Poor Human Rights Records

  1. heh, y’all ain’t from around here, is ya ?

    David Burge ‏@iowahawkblog 3h3 hours ago
    For the life of me, I don’t understand why everyone doesn’t have an ad blocker installed on their browser. #StarveTheBeast

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