Rise in carbon emissions has led to massive increase in trees and plants – IOTW Report

Rise in carbon emissions has led to massive increase in trees and plants

And they will kill us all !!!11!!!

oh lort

AmericanThinker: If all the extra leaves growing because of increased CO2 in the atmosphere were laid end to end, it would cover a space twice the size of the continental U.S. That’s the conclusion of a new study conducted by 32 scientists and 24 institutions.  MORE

8 Comments on Rise in carbon emissions has led to massive increase in trees and plants

  1. A professor named Ranga cites booming (trigger word) plant growth from increased CO2 levels but that’s still not good enough to save the planet. Something called the Gaia thesis is in play; Gaia needs to be manhandled in a Target restroom then have her anal cavity stuffed with new-growth leaves and freshly clubbed baby seals. Meanwhile scientists are getting feedback from rocks. Nothing to see here folks, move along.

  2. basic biology taught in high school back when students could actually read the books, said you have stomata on the undersides of green leaves on plants, they absorb carbon dioxide, generate nutrients to feed the trees, and exhale oxygen…. any pigfucking “pseudo-scientist” including algorebigbottom saying the opposite is full of pigsty output…and not referring to the animals.

  3. .. and weeds! My lawn is a freaking weed garden this year. Haven’t even cut it yet and already laid down 2 applications of weed kill. Usually only have to broadly kill them in the fall.

  4. The carbon in CO2 doesn’t just help feed nutrients; it IS the plant structure. That’s where all the building material comes from- snatched from the air, literally. Miraculous, yes.

    Which is where the “new” CO2 came from to begin with- old dead plants. It’s a closed loop system.

    BTW- personally, I haven’t seen any of that terrifying ocean rise we’ve been warned about for awhile now. I’ve been going to the same big fishing pier in the Gulf of Mexico since the late 1960’s. As far as I can see, the ocean is still at the same level basically on the beach and on the pilings lol.. Steady for nearly 50 years now. Imagine that /s

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