PA: Evans beats Fattah in 2nd Congressional Dem Primary – IOTW Report

PA: Evans beats Fattah in 2nd Congressional Dem Primary

10NBC: Longtime Pennsylvania House Rep. Dwight Evans has defeated incumbent U.S. Rep. Chaka Fattah in the Democratic primary for the 2nd Congressional District seat.

Evans, a popular Northwest Philadelphia politician and the face of Philadelphia’s Democratic delegation in Harrisburg, seized on an opportunity to unseat Fattah after the 11-term congressman was indicted last July on federal racketeering charges.  read more

11 Comments on PA: Evans beats Fattah in 2nd Congressional Dem Primary

  1. Gee Wally, I wonder if he got his start in laundering money with his mom “Queen Mother Falaka Fattah” and their co-called “urban Boys’ Town” the House of Umoja?

    Something tells me if you start lifting those rocks that some ugly stuff will come crawling out…

  2. Chaka Fattah – Arthur Davenport?
    Hussein Obola – Barry Sotoero?
    Louis Farrakhan – Gene Wolcott?
    Jesse Jackson – Louis Burns?
    Vladimir Lenin – Vladimir Ulyanov?
    Josef Stalin – Josef Jughashvili?
    Leon Trotsky – Lev Bronstein?

    What the fuck is it with socialists that they have to have phony names?

    izlamo delenda est …

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