Study: Dogs don’t like hugs – IOTW Report

Study: Dogs don’t like hugs

Husky dog fur

From FOX5:

The most common sign of anxiety in a dog is when they turn their head away or sometimes closing their eyes fully or partially, according to Professor Coren.

SNIP: Dogs make the same expression when they plop themselves down on the floor for a belly rub. They must really enjoy the anxiety.

Story here

22 Comments on Study: Dogs don’t like hugs

  1. Bullshit.

    To the researcher…the reason your dog is distressed when he gets hugs is because the expression “screwing the pooch” isn’t meant to be taken literally…I know it’s used to describe your academic career but sheesh…

  2. As someone who lost his dog of 12 years a few years back I can say with supreme authority that that study is utter bull?.

    What I wouldn’t give to give that dog of mine another hug. Just have to wait…

  3. Nonsense.

    What about dogs that lean in and bury their head in your chest when you hug them? Ohh, You never witnessed that. Maybe it’s you and your limited experiences that this is all about?

    Wait, forget all that. #1 reason dogs turn away from their loving master during face time is master’s breath.

    Guaranteed. It’s the difference between you blowing in their face and them sticking their head out a car window. Rejects the former and loves the latter. It aint the air flow of your breath, it’s the odor.

  4. My dog LOVES a hug from his best friend, me.
    He willingly jumps up on the sofa to get one and leans on me to make sure he gets it. If I stop, he leans in harder.
    He has me wrapped around his little toe.

  5. Who paid this idiot?
    Who commissioned this study?
    That person needs to be flogged raw, rubbed in salt, painted Blue and dropped into the center of Antarctica
    Studies like this are we are trillions in debt

  6. The evil pitbull for my avatar will jump up on me and lean in for a hug. If I don’t embrace her she will growl and snap at me. In the interest of keeping all my fingers, she gets hugged on her schedule, about 8 times a day.

  7. My dog also tries to steal my breath or as we like to say sniff your boogers. First roll over in the morning she will inhale everything that is exhaled, like a big suction tube. She does it for about 30 seconds and if I don’t roll over I start to choke. Fucking dog is so awesome I love her.

  8. Dogs don’t like being grabbed from behind like in the picture, and they don’t like forced affection.
    They do like physical attention. My dogs favorite thing is having his sensation harness put on.

  9. Udder BS. My Miniature Schnautzer runs to me when I step through the door, and does a whirling dervish. When I pick him up, he puts his nose close to my mouth and waits for me to blow softly. He sucks it all in, and then snorts. Happy that I’m home, he insists that we now go out to the back yard.

  10. Professor ‘Licks His Dogs’ Balls For Pleasure’ might wanna try approaching his dog from the other end with facial features and see how that works out. Hope his dog rips the magnificent Professors’ face off in 3 gulps.

  11. What a crock of fucking shit. All dogs are different. Some love hugs. Others don’t. This is just another bullshit study from some grifter piece of shit “researcher” whose pissing away government grant money to answer a stupid fucking question that no one asked.

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