‘Hate crime’ investigation of noose drawing leads to two black students – IOTW Report

‘Hate crime’ investigation of noose drawing leads to two black students

EAG:  SALISBURY, Md. – When Salisbury University police discovered that someone drew a stick figure hung by a noose on the school library’s whiteboard, they launched a hate crime investigation.

But after realizing it was two black students who drew the picture – which showed the hangman crying, included the N-word with an arrow pointed at the stick figure, as well as the message #whitepower –  they decided not to press criminal charges, The Delmarva Daily Times reports.  more

21 Comments on ‘Hate crime’ investigation of noose drawing leads to two black students

  1. You’d think school officials everywhere would have learned not to go full-regard with the hate crime inquisition every time a a racist cliche pops up on campus. It is ALWAYS a false flag. Although it’s not like they get any information or perspective from #BlackLivesMedia.

  2. Whiteboard? Well there’s the problem. When I was in school we had blackboards and no one gave 2 shits about real nooses or a stick figure drawn in white chalk on the blackboard.

  3. Still a hate crime, by racists. They should be charged, at the least, to recover costs of the investigation and to recompense all the snowflakes sent to their safe zones in panic.

  4. Negroes should not be held accountable for their actions. To do so is RAY-CYST!

    Like expecting them to get up before noon,
    speak English,
    drink tea instead of Mad Dog 20/20,
    smoke fine cigars instead of dope,
    marry and raise kids instead of rape and run,
    improve their communities instead of trashing them,
    working instead of EBT,
    vote their long-term interests instead of Demonrat …

    yeah, yeah … I know …

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Some moron on CNN this morning (wee hours) insinuated that Donald Trump’s justice department would bring back “hanging and lynching of Black people”, Van Jones (once again on CNN) is out there banging his drum (oh sorry, is that racist?) that Trump supports the KKK… and on and on it goes. All we’ve seen for the past two administrations is nothing but the tactics of racism and division pushed on American people to relentlessly push their agenda of “victimhood” to weaken America any way they can. A divided nation cannot stand and these democRat Communists know it!
    Hey, crime is crime and should be recognized as Crime no matter who commits it and getting a special pass cuz yer Black should be a crime too. Black on Black crime gets swept under the rug because if you have a “White Privilege” card yew might lose yer job!! Bringing back the Truth will go a long way in making America great again!

  6. There is a misunderstanding here.
    The two young men were merely making an artistic expression of the violence of blacks against blacks.

    Note that the only people who even use the dreaded “N” word these days are black, so clearly this was showing the inherent violence of inner ghetto communities.

    (And I didn’t even have to go to college to come up with that BS explanation).

  7. Hate crime laws are racist. As this story proves, yet again, the legal authorities only apply the law to whites.

    If a “person of color” is found to have done the deed then it’s – never mind nothing to see here. Move along.

    If I’m wrong. Please post a link to a story about a black guy being charged and prosecuted for a hate crime.

    (I dislike hate crime laws in principle because they are a legal double standard. If someone I don’t know shoots and kills me I’m pretty sure he hated me whether he ever said so or not. Why should that person get a shorter sentence than someone who said they hate me just before they killed me? I’m still dead from the actions of both people. They both hated me)

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