Sanders lays off staff after primary losses – IOTW Report

Sanders lays off staff after primary losses

FOX: Bernie Sanders’ campaign began laying off staffers Wednesday, a day after he lost four out of five primary races in the Northeast to frontrunner Hillary Clinton, Fox News confirmed.

sanders pointing

The layoffs, first reported by Politico, were being cast by the Vermont senator’s campaign as part of an effort to pare back now that most of the primaries and caucuses are over.

“We’re 80 percent of the way through the caucuses and primaries and we make adjustments as we go along. This is a process that we’ve done before of right-sizing the campaign as we move through the calendar,” Sanders’ campaign communications director Michael Briggs told Politico.  read more

12 Comments on Sanders lays off staff after primary losses

  1. Bernie – how despicable of you to throw those workers out in the street now that you don’t need them! You and your wife should invite them to live in one of your two houses and support them for the remainder of their lives.

    How heartless and money-grubbing can you be?

  2. I’ll miss the old bugger.

    There is a part of me that supports any person, place, or thing that can cause Hillary stress and attempt to dislodge her from the smug, overentitled perch she occupies.

  3. Well I won’t miss this insane election carnival side show with Bernie Effin Sanders, the Crazy, Creepy, Crumbling Commie Parasite who will gladly give away anything he doesn´t own, singling out wealthy Capitalists for being successful while surrounding himself with fabulously wealthy celebrities who can´t wind a wristwatch without personal assistants, trainers, accountants, house-keepers, chauffeurs, consultants, psychoanalysts and lawyers, living life through the revolving door of divorce courts, bankruptcy courts, custody courts, criminal courts and rehab centers! Now that´s whutcha call a riddle, wrapped in hypocrisy, inside an enema!
People pay good money to see this lying, dirty old prick??
Hell, even PT Barnum must be saying “Whoaaa! Whodah thunk it!”

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