Mike Lee Responds To John Boehner’s Slam: “Cruz Lucifer in the flesh” – IOTW Report

Mike Lee Responds To John Boehner’s Slam: “Cruz Lucifer in the flesh”

boehner tissue box

John Boehner talks election, time in office

Stanford Daily:  “Lucifer in the flesh,” the former Speaker said. “I have Democrat friends and Republican friends. I get along with almost everyone, but I have never worked with a more miserable son of a bitch in my life.”

Boehner described other Republican candidates as friends. In particular, he said he has played golf with Donald Trump for years and that they were “texting buddies.”

His friendship with Ohio Governor John Kasich, however, was a little more ambiguous.

“[Kasich] requires more effort on my behalf than all my other friends … but he’s still my friend, and I love him,” Boehner said.


h/t Kat.

44 Comments on Mike Lee Responds To John Boehner’s Slam: “Cruz Lucifer in the flesh”

  1. Chuffed, Ted came out and said that he has never actually “worked” with assswagon Boehner.
    Ted said that he had likely said less than 50 words to the man in his life.
    If true, and I believe it is, Boehner is just a lying sack of shit.

  2. Let’s see if we can unravel this mystery.
    John Boehner is the most reviled Republican in recent history
    John Boehner knows this.
    California Primary is a month away.
    John Boehner goes to California to appear on a discussion panel.
    John Boehner proceeds to vilify Ted Cruz in descriptive terms.
    John Boehner tells the panel what great a great friend Trump is.

    Now why would John Boehner do that?

    I don’t know. This is a tough one. Gee, politics is hard! Kind of like math!

  3. I’d believe that, but I’d also believe that the senate is full of gossiping old ninnies. So, even if Bone Head Boehner never worked with Cruz, this is possible. And no, not because of my choice of candidate, it’s because Ted Cruz has this weird smug ‘christian’ attitude that is plaguing a lot of communities [including my own], he just reeks of it.

  4. Brad wrote: “I think Levin has rendered himself irrelevant.”

    Hmm, Mark Levin has millions of listeners and now viewers of his fledgling network.

    Brad…not so much.

    To call Bad_Brad irrelevant would be an understatement of a lifetime compared to Mark…LEVIN…

  5. Loco, dang it, don’t count me out yet I’m just trying to get my TV network going. It’s called “Guns and Fucking Morons”. Earlier you claimed your love for the 92fs. But your grip is so weak you can’t get you Glok 19 to cycle. Then that fing dumb ass JohnS claimed it as his favorite summer time carry weapon in Oakland California where a permit hasn’t been issued since Christ was s kid. His favorite summertime weapon I believe he called it. A double stack mag with a 5 inch barrel. Takes up more room than a 1911. Hard to conceal when you’re only wearing a thong in Oakland.

  6. Well done Brad!
    That is one of your best attempts at snark to date.
    I will preserve a copy in the BigFurHat museum.

    Yes, the Glock indeed jams, the 92 doesn’t but I don’t shoot that one near enough.
    Good to see that you actually pay attention.
    Go Trump 2020!

  7. Thanks Loco, I keep track of people that are totally full of shit here. You’ll be happy to know you are a distant second to JohnS. Mr Jack of all, master of none.

  8. Faacinating spin seen elsewhere…Boehner’s claim about Cruz is 100% true but his claim about Trump is really just a stealth establishment attempt to destroy Trump.

    Oh, the intricate mental contortions that desperate people in search of human saviors are driven to. Cults are always like that.

  9. Boehner must take pride in the fact that the GOP is using him as a type of Typhoid Mary.
    Have another drink, Johnny boy, and a couple more smokes.

  10. Boehner hates Cruz because he helped organize the opposition to the Speaker among Conservative House members that eventually lead to his being removed as Speaker.

    So the former speaker is going to come out with a stealth plan to leverage his own unfavorable with Conservatives by bad mouthing Ted and therefore giving the Senator a boast with the rank and file.

    Boehner’s not that subtle – he was talking to other GOPe club members on a topic they all could agree on.



  11. Good to see that the kid who can’t handle his booze had a great conversation with me while I wasn’t here.
    Brad, you may think it is great to stay up past midnight drinking alone every night and insult or threaten people over the internet, but if you ever try leaving your mom’s basement you will find that there are better things in life than loneliness and alcohol.

  12. The only way I can think how that drunken weakling Boehner became Republican House leader in 2006 is he made a crossroads deal. His 10 years are up the demon is coming to collect.

  13. I think it’s possible for supporters of both Cruz and Trump to despise both Boehner and the comments he made about Cruz. They were cheap, nasty and vile and expose Boehner for what he really is, a kleenix carrying Harry Read but without the skill.

  14. Moetom
    April 28, 2016 at 11:50 pm
    “My opinion: Cruz is a decent American: Trump is a decent American. Rubio is a decent American. Boehner is a piece of shit .
    There is no one esle to vote for”

    Well said. And all the commenters spouting carp in favor of “their guy” could learn something from Moetom……..

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