Rush Limbaugh Says Trump Beats Hillary in a Landslide – IOTW Report

Rush Limbaugh Says Trump Beats Hillary in a Landslide


I still don’t think people understand why Trump won this.  I don’t think they understand at all the reason people support Trump.  And the deeper people are entrenched in politics, and the more they are accustomed to the templates and the handbooks and the theories and the playbooks, the less they’re gonna understand it.

TrumpTsunami-Hillary-Bill-CThe more they try to plug Donald Trump and his campaign and his personality into the professional politician candidate playbook that they use, the farther and farther from the truth they are going to get.


22 Comments on Rush Limbaugh Says Trump Beats Hillary in a Landslide

  1. He has Latino votes like no recent GOP candidate. Same with black votes. Same with union votes. A lot of people are crossing the aisle to vote for him. I predict a landslide too – and I think it will be obvious well before November.

  2. We’re back to where we were close to a year go, when everyone said that Trump couldn’t win ANYTHING. And the more he won, the more they doubled down.
    And now they’re starting all over again.
    Time will tell.
    Rush has a point – the political pundits can’t believe it because Trump doesn’t fit the mold they’re used to, and they are so set in their political ways they don’t know what to do about it.

  3. The GOPe will never understand, just as the teachers pet doesn’t understand why everybody hates her, she never gets valentines and is stung hardest in dodge ball.
    No foam, red rubber balls, remember the song of a good hit?
    Sounds like, ‘TRUMP’.

  4. Used to be a big fan of Rush-can not listen to his diarrhea of the mouth anymore.

    He knows full well about the UniParty and the nightmare they’ve delivered us yet he refused to get behind the one candidate that directly addressed the problems and said exactly what he was going to do.

    Hannity, Levin, Prager, all of the Salem Radio Crazies…all bought & sold and all but Savage, can’t stand their bullshit. And yaknow what, my studio is far more peaceful without their jabbering going on all day.

  5. It’s getting bad for Hillary. Very bad, not good. I heard that Hillary has asked to be indicted, because the MSM always marvels at how awesome she is, so awesome, in front of Grand Juries and Congressional Committees. Sad.

  6. I’m no Rush Limbaugh, but the socialists DO seem to be in a snit.

    If they don’t think they can win by fraud, expect the feral urbanites to go on a rampage this summer. The anti-Trump (anti-American) movement is going to get vicious.

    (or is it viscous?)

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. As some wag posted on iOTWREPORT sometime ago, she’ll be charged with a misdemeanor, pay a paltry fine, and the whole affair will dissipate like a spring morning mist.

    The Butcher of Benghazi will skate and we’ll never know the facts surrounding Amb. Stevens’,, assassination and murders.

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. @Tim – I can see the gofundme page now… “I’m a poor black, latino, ex-public servant who’s broke and needs to pay off an unjust fine to the gov’t. Please donate. – Hillary”

  9. I for one look forward to a country that keeps its infrastructure in good repair, whose legislative bodies don’t spend money like drunken sailors, has a military that makes enemy nations flee in fear, has the balls to put Al Sharpton and Hillary Clinton in jail, and will give someone who works like a Hebrew slave a chance to enjoy the fruits os his labors–instead of the government grabbing more and more in taxes to create more programs and benefits that pander to the lazy, useless losers who aren’t contributing a thing to our society.

  10. I didn’t think someone who has not yet been indicted and convicted could be pardoned. Or am I wrong?

    If Trump wins by a landslide. Hillary might be seeking a quick conviction and sentencing sometime between Nov 15 and Jan 19, so Zerodaysleft can pardon her before he and the moose get their eviction notice.

  11. What does Trump have that other candidates could not convey? America is great. America will win. LIfe in America will be great. The government will protect Americans first, and put Americans first. This is Trump’s message, and while he is frequently short on specifics, this message resonates. All of the other candidates focused on policy, but what Americans want to hear is how great we are and how great we can be.

    You know who else kept hammering that America was great? Ronald Reagan. Like Trump, Reagan ran against a party whose President was weak on foreign policy, could not protect Americans, and who presided over a weak economy made weaker by liberal interference. Reagan’s message resonated with voters, and people felt better with him in office.

    The Democrats have demonstrated by words and deeds that they do not believe America is great, that America will win, and that life in America will be great. The Democrats are negative – the economy is unfair, we are a nation of racists and bigots, society and religious beliefs must take a back seat to the desires of a tiny minority of individuals and that the government is the only person who can run the lives of individuals. A liberal is more egotistical, overbearing and arrogant than Trump could ever dream of being.

    I have had, and probably will have some policy concerns with Donald Trump. However, everything I have ever read about him reinforces Trump’s claim that he believes America is great, that America can win and that life in America will be great. Trump believes this about everything he is involved in – his buildings are the best in the world, his golf courses are the best in the world, and his business endeavors are the best in the world. Because the United States, or any other nation for that matter, is dependent upon its citizens for its success or failure, if Trump brings this mantra to the table then that is enough.

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