Hannity Poll Asks People Who They Hope Trump Picks as a Veep – IOTW Report

Hannity Poll Asks People Who They Hope Trump Picks as a Veep

Gingrich leads poll. Followed by Marco Rubio. Then Ben Carson.

Then Kasich.

Then Huckabee.

Then I threw up.

See the rest here

42 Comments on Hannity Poll Asks People Who They Hope Trump Picks as a Veep

  1. “The [Vice Presidency] isn’t worth a bucket of warm piss.”

    Whoever gets it will fade into the shadows.

    (which kinda screams for Kasich)

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Sean Hannity. it does two things, it puts Donald closest boyfriend at his side and it removes that traitorous piece of crap from doing shows on Fox!! It’s a win-win.

  3. @Tim – John Nance Garner sure did have a way with words, didn’t he? (-:

    Another strategy would be for Trump to pick an “insurance” running mate. Somebody so awful, so abhorrent to so many that all sides would want Donald’s security beefed up and top-notch staffed. How about Miss Lindsey Graham? (Kidding! I’m kidding!)

  4. I didn’t know anybody still listened to Hannity.

    I used to, but I got over it.

    OBTW: I’m getting married tomorrow. Some here may remember I lost my wife of twenty one years, Lesa, five years ago.
    My daughter introduced me to my prospective bride, Teresa.

    Never thought this could happen again. I am so happily proven wrong.

  5. Condi is too liberal for my tastes but would be the strongest running mate. It would be great if Allan West could bring Florida into the fold, but I’m not sure how two alpha males would work out on the team.

  6. Not Sarah Palin. I like her, but I think there are too many people that will crossover from democrat and independent to vote for Trump that might think twice if she were on the ticket.

    I think I’ll trust DT and let him decide. He seems to know what he’s doing so far and would want someone who can help get things done.

  7. Lowell – Wonderful news! Best wishes to you and Teresa!

    I had a very close curmudgeon friend, wickedly cynical, who always gave this toast at wedding receptions until everybody stopped asking him:

    There have been three prefect marriages in the history of Western Civilization, and I see no reason at all why this one shouldn’t be the fourth.

  8. Congratulations to Lowell and Theresa!

    And kisses to you daughter, who has a most useful skill. I myself have introduced 13 couples who have wed. The first couple married in 1980, the last in 1991. No divorces or separations in this group. But like the shoemaker’s barefoot children, I am unwed. 🙂

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