Mexican President Breaks Speed Record For Backpedaling – IOTW Report

Mexican President Breaks Speed Record For Backpedaling

Vicente Fox has apologized to Donald Trump and has invited him to Mexico.


Earlier this year, Fox said that he would not pay for Trump’s “f*cking wall,” and called Trump ““Ignorant … crazy … egocentric … nasty … [a] false prophet.” Trump then called on Fox to apologize

On Wednesday, he did so — in an exclusive interview with Breitbart News — and added that he wanted Trump to come to Mexico to see the border from the other side.

“I apologize. Forgiveness is one of the greatest qualities that human beings have, is the quality of a compassionate leader. You have to be humble. You have to be compassionate. You have to love thy neighbor,” Fox explained to Breitbart News while sitting in the hotel of the J.W. Marriott in Santa Monica, California on Wednesday afternoon.



See, Trump has the respect of a world leader by not being mealy-mouthed.

Either that or they are inviting him to Mexico to kill him.

21 Comments on Mexican President Breaks Speed Record For Backpedaling

  1. Elitist ex-Presidente Fox can eat crow as he watches a 30 foot wall being erected along our southern border.

    “Either that or they are inviting him to Mexico to kill him.” My thoughts exactly. From now on, Trump’s secret service detail has to treat every city like it’s Dallas.

  2. Its a huge endorsement and testament. Clinton and the DNC must have choked when they heard about it. What now for the Mexican protestors we’ve been hearing from recently?

  3. All it takes is some cajones and sticking to your conviction. Bib, big, great things will happen.

    I see no harm in Trump picking up Bernie as his running mate, might as well seal this deal and send Hitlary packing.

  4. Why in the world would President Trump need to see Mexico from the other side of the Trump Wall?

    He’s two faced-he’e part of the elite in Mexico where bribery and cronyism are national past times.

    Why is he even in his country?

  5. The amazing negotiation skills of Donald Trump. Went from Jorge Ramos “you can’t build a wall” to “we’re not paying for that fucking wall” to “we apologize, let’s discuss.”
    All that done before Trump was even officially nominated to run.
    If Congress and Senate HAD BALLS the wall breaking ground ceremony would be ready for Trump by January 2017.

  6. All of that riot asshattery blew back on Vicente and the Dems. Hillary has the internal polls to prove it. Trump needs to make it clear that further rioting must stop or no visit. And he should wait until after the Convention to visit, if at all. Vicente may claim that he has no control over what goes on here, but that claim is laughable to most Americans. La Raza, MALDEF, LULAC and all the rest need to know that the ball is in their court now. And I don’t know why I am kibbitzing Donald’s chess game here. I am probably the worst negotiator ever. Except for Obama.

  7. Now Trump needs to hear apologies from ALL the ‘conservative’ TV pundits (eg Krauthammer, Hume, Will, et al) who CONTINUE to yammer that Trump is not up to the task.

    After 8 years of choomer kindergartener rule, the question begs to be asked, what color is the sky on their planet ?!

    As was said so well months ago, “F U, that’s why.” And watch Trump be the gracious WINNER in this. (because even Meheeco will be better off with an effective border)

    Ask Vicente.

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