Chris Matthews Gets a Thrill Up His Middle Leg Over Melania Trump – IOTW Report

Chris Matthews Gets a Thrill Up His Middle Leg Over Melania Trump


MSNBC anchor Chris Matthews has been caught ogling Melania Trump live on national television.

The Hardball host was heard enthusiastically commenting on Mrs Trump’s ‘runway walk’ as she joined her husband for his victory speech in Indiana on Tuesday.Chris_Matthews

While Brian Williams was speaking about the impact the result would have on the Republican party, Matthews could be heard talking about Mrs Trump’s appearance.

Apparently unaware he wasspeaking into a hot mic, Matthews said:
‘Did you see her walk? Runway walk. My God is that good. I could watch that runway show.’



20 Comments on Chris Matthews Gets a Thrill Up His Middle Leg Over Melania Trump

  1. How’s his wife’s Congressional Campaign going? She must have told him to mangaze Melania to dispel those “beard” rumors dogging Ms. Tingles’ campaign. Kind of like Mooch and Vera Baker.

  2. Once a slime ball always a slime ball. Does anybody still watch MSNBC? On a real adult network he would be looking for a new job. I hear Russia Today is looking for scum balls to report not the news!

  3. Ok, he’s not Anthony Weiner. But Chris Matthews is sort of disgusting too. There’s always some sex thing with him. First was the man-love episode re: President barry (thrill up my leg), and now this lusting after another man’s wife. They need to give him a breathalyzer before each program. A morals clause in his contract couldn’t hurt.

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