Increasingly people get their news from Facebook – Facebook suppresses conservative websites – IOTW Report

Increasingly people get their news from Facebook – Facebook suppresses conservative websites

The Rebel –

a former Facebook curator of the site’s trending news section has revealed that the company purposely suppresses conservative websites.

Speaking to Gizmodo, the former curator said, “It was clear that Zuckerberg could squash the project at any moment. We weren’t treated as individuals. We were treated in this robot way.”

The curator explained that they were “told to select articles from a list of preferred media outlets that included sites like the New York Times, Time, Variety, and other traditional outlets. They would regularly avoid sites like World Star Hip Hop, The Blaze, and Breitbart, but were never explicitly told to suppress those outlets.”

It was also revealed that the ‘trending news’ section was run by people who previously worked at MSNBC and The Guardian.


9 Comments on Increasingly people get their news from Facebook – Facebook suppresses conservative websites

  1. resolves to (home web server) that serves up a custom 404 error page: a 1 pixel transparent image. In addition to a list of about 2000 other sites. Essentially net nanny via DNS for all devices on the network… Facebook content is served up thru a lot of sites and by not resolving it properly speeds things up quite a bit, especially on mobile devices that’s always flashing some facebook game crap in apps.

  2. So this will come as a surprise to….?

    REgressives will publicly bemoan it but will inwardly think it’s perfectly legitimate to censer ideas that don’t toe their line.

    And actually, there’s really not that many of them that even bother nowadays to put up a pretense of 1A support.

    FB is just more crap that an old guy like myself has absolutely no time for.

  3. Actually fakebook doesn’t censor conservative news, the users censor it themselves. It all comes down to likes, friends and circles that determine the content a user will see.

    If you’re a leftist goof, all the content pushed is leftist fcuktardary. Just the same, a wise conservative will never see the same shit a leftist goof sees.

  4. “the company purposely suppresses conservative websites”

    it’s not safe for the children to be exposed to all that “hate speech”.

    you know the “speech” that exposes the “democrats are good and the republicans oppose their goodness” speech.
    the ones that clear up the misconception that the democrat and republican parties are different and not two sides of the same coin.
    the ones that bring to light that republicans are not an opposition party.

    that hate speech.

  5. I bet you won’t read this rant on face book.

    George Will should have been left unemployed and starving ages ago. Newspapers are dying off and people despise the media more than they have ever despised the media—which is saying a lot—and yet here fucking George Will remains, along with the Noonans and Friedmans and Brookses of the world, gainfully employed despite being a worthless, fart-sniffing boob. Try as the world might, we can’t seem to rid ourselves of idiot columnists who make $300,000 just to sit down and invent political trends from looking out the fucking parlor window. The tea leaves tell me that this election will be decided by what I call The Beta Dads.
    I don’t get how these people have retained any credibility. It makes me wonder if the Illuminati really DO exist when hundreds of these fuckfaces gather annually at the White House Correspondents Dinner, all seemingly united in an effort to shield Wolf Blitzer from justified ridicule. Wanna know why Trump is stomping a mudhole in the rest of the GOP field? Look at Will’s fucking placeholder column from Sunday:

  6. FB has news? Who knew? I thought they only had propaganda (which I regularly delete and “hide”).

    I get my news from AmericanThinker, TownHall, Sipsey Street Irregulars, IOTW, Day By Day (cartoon), and a few other non-traditional media sites.

  7. WTF is wrong with “conservatives” that they don’t start their own “facebook,” “square,” and “pay pals?”

    If a fuckin toad like Zuckerberg can figure it out, it can’t be rocket surgery.

    izlamo delenda est …

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