White House Admits They Have Dutiful Journalist Minions in Their Back Pocket – IOTW Report

White House Admits They Have Dutiful Journalist Minions in Their Back Pocket

NY Post-

Congratulations, liberals of the Washington press corps and elite organizations: You’re a bunch of suckers. We all know this because the Obama White House just told us so.

In an astounding New York Times piece by David Samuels, senior White House officials gleefully confess they use friendly reporters and nonprofits as public relations tools in the selling of President Obama’s foreign policy — and can do it almost at will because these tools are ignorant, will believe what they’re told, will essentially take dictation and are happy to be used just to get the information necessary for a tweet or two.

Their greatest triumph, according to Samuels, was selling a misleading narrative about
the nuclear deal with Iran — the parameters of which were set a year before the administration claimed and which had nothing to do with the fact that a supposedly more accommodating government had risen to power.

The mastermind of the Obama machine is Ben Rhodes, a New Yorker who joined the Obama campaign as a speechwriter in 2007 and has risen to become the most influential foreign-policy hand in the White House.

Rhodes drips with contempt for almost everyone but his boss.


11 Comments on White House Admits They Have Dutiful Journalist Minions in Their Back Pocket

  1. Finally confirming what the people have known all along – the parrots Obama’s (and democrats) lies. I’ll bet none of those used as “tools” feel a bit angry, embarrassed or shamed.

    So long as they get invited to the right cocktail parties, it’s all good.

  2. Another nail sealing the coffin of the bankrupt (morally and financially) LSDM (Lame Stream Dinosaur Media).

    I will be dancing in the street with utter joy and delight when “The Old Gray Lady” (New Yawk Times) goes utterly bankrupt, belly up, and is purchased by Trump (president or not) for pennies on the dollar.

  3. This article describes how Ben Rhodes deceived the public to minimize outrage about the Iranian nuke deal.

    Ben Rhodes is the deputy national security adviser for strategic communication for Obama.

    David Rhodes is the President of CBS News, and is Ben Rhodes’s brother.

    Don’t expect CBS to break any news damaging to Obama. Or Hillary. CBS may know everything, but they ain’t gonna report it.

  4. I am.shocked, shocked that a president who promoted a campaign van driver, Tommy Vietor, to National Security Spokesman, and sent him out to successfully blow smoke up the juice-box journos’ asses, would do such a thing. Sad.

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