Hillary Tries Nicknaming Trump – IOTW Report

Hillary Tries Nicknaming Trump

In a bid to out Trump Mr. Trump, the Democrats have come up with a nickname for the Republican nominee for President.

INDIANAPOLIS, IN - MAY 01: Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton gives a thumbs up during a stop at the Lincoln Square pancake house as she campaign for votes on May 1, 2016 in Indianapolis, Indiana. Presidential candidates continue to campaign across the state leading up to Indiana's primary day on Tuesday. (Photo by Joe Raedle/Getty Images)

Dangerous Donald.  Way to go Hillary, you’re people nailed this one.

We should be expecting a counterpunch from the last man standing in the Republican primaries soon.



The Wags of Twitter were not impressed with this effort.




47 Comments on Hillary Tries Nicknaming Trump

  1. Keep an ear out for the so-called legitimate media to report this like it’s news.
    This is not news – this is tripe.
    If any media reports this they are proven Democrat mouthpieces.

  2. Dangerous to the Democrats who never mention our $19T debt and the pussification of America. Notice how they don’t dare call him ignorant, that’s a synonym for democrat.

  3. Shoulda named him Donald Stupid-head Poopyface Tomato Nose.

    Hopefully she’ll have plenty of time in her future to think of a better name – either in prison, or blindfolded against a bullet riddled wall.

    Nah, skip the blindfold.

  4. Oh my, that’ll leave a mark. Not.

    Dangerous Donald is supposed to be a retort to Crooked Hillary? C’mon. She’s pathetic.

    Of course the article is typical of the cock gobbling the left dominated media can be counted on to do for Hillary. She can’t believe that she’ll play off the next 5 months of relentless truth telling by Trump, she’s whistling past the graveyard.

    Lucky thing is that no one with two brain cells reads that crap and believes it.

    Unlucky thing is though, she’s got 60 million people without those two brain cells ready to vote for her.

  5. The other day I was walking through WalMart and some flashy black rain boots caught my attention. There was a tag on them that said; Wide Calf


  6. I need to get on board with earning the kind of money she pays for coming up with stuff like that.

    And, I have a winner: “Donald, that guy who said stuff. . . and things!”

    Don’t thank me killery, just send the payment.

  7. @red, that would be great.

    He should EMBRACE the title and exploit it.
    Because, as far as the status quo goes, he’s dangerous as hell.
    And that is why they’re shitting bricks.
    Ditto China.
    Ditto Mexico.

  8. Today the community organizer in chiefs stated that Trump doesn’t have the experience to be president. Then he came out with this beauty..“Every candidate, every nominee needs to be subject to exacting standards and genuine scrutiny,” The naked emperor speaketh..

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