Gays Get Separate Graduation Ceremonies – IOTW Report

Gays Get Separate Graduation Ceremonies

Estimates are that 124 colleges and universities will be holding “Lavender Graduations” this year for their gay students.


 Touted as an event for “community for minority students,” “ethnic ceremonies,” and a “cultural celebration” for students of all races and ethnicities.


I didn’t know being homosexual was an achievement or a separate ethnic group.

And on that note, it brings us to, once again, NORM MACDONALD


So do the Lav grads still walk with the rest of their class wearing their purple graduation stoles that mark them as gay or do they get to change them for the colors of their school?  But wouldn’t changing colors be denying their gayness?



16 Comments on Gays Get Separate Graduation Ceremonies

  1. What a grand idea!

    Guess segregation ain’t as bad as everyone says it is!

    Send the hispaniacs back to mexico, the africaniacs back to africa, and the homosexuals to Fantasy (or Fabulous) Island!

    Give every “group” exactly what the fuck they want …
    and let them live with the consequences.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Hold the graduation for students getting real degrees like STEM & Business, and then have the worthless shitbag graduations for the liberal arts goths, #BLM assholes, and faggot studies majors on some other day. They don’t deserve to march with real students.

  3. Separate, but EQUAL?! Is that REALLY want they want?!

    Fine. Let us ship them to their own planet. In another galaxy.

    Allllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll ABOARD! 😀

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