Good News Everybody!! – IOTW Report

Good News Everybody!!

#NeverTrump stalwart, Dan Joseph, says that America never stopped being great!!!

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It’s so great that we didn’t even need Cruz. Hell, let’s just have Obama 3.0.

Finally, I can sleep tight!!!

(This is the guy who makes snarky videos about “dumb” college students.)

17 Comments on Good News Everybody!!

  1. This asswipe is a corrupt hack. This country HAS lost it’s greatness;
    proof: it has descended to the point of electing and reelecting as president a communist, racist chronic egregious lying POS.
    It also has descended to the point where most politicians are sellouts to big business and the globalist vermin (eg. the BUSHES, et al). Rampant corruption.
    This is not greatness. There is a chance to return to greatness, and the ONLY CHANCE is Trump.

  2. Trump is not the ONLY chance.
    That makes him sound mythic and heroic.

    He’s our alternative now, that’s about it.

    Is he the bestus ever candidate?
    But what he does have going for him is that he’s an experimental drug we haven’t tried on the cancer growing in our Republic.

    Cruz was a great candidate, a great choice, but good people saw him as just another round of chemotherapy that isn’t working.

    The tumor is still growing while we control the senate and the house, and Cruz was a big part of this ineffectual senate.

    We became the party of “no” instead of the left. We should have been forcing Obama to veto our agenda over and over and over.

  3. Thank you FUR for a moment of sanity.
    The hysterics of the world ending if Trump is not anointed must only resonate among the dullest demographic.
    As to the rest, it is not a done deal.
    I fully expect Trump to go third party during the convention when they do not present him with a golden crown.
    As an aside, just when is Trump going to go after Hillary the way he did Cruz?

  4. Trump will be over 1237, it’s impossible not to be because he is running unopposed.

    If Trump is over 1237 and they try to change the rules to take the nomination away you’d be cool with that?


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    CNN‎ – 54 mins ago
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    Trump: Hillary Clinton has a ‘bad temperament — her husband learned that a few times’

    More news for trump attacks hillary
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    Trump Slams Hillary Clinton as ‘Nasty, Mean Enabler’ of Husband’s ……/trump-slams-hillary-clinton-nasty-mean-enabler...
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    Trump attacks Hillary Clinton and ‘goofy’ Elizabeth Warren in victory … › US News › US elections 2016
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    17 hours ago – Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has struck out at Democrat senator Elizabeth Warren as he begins to turn his …
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    2 hours ago – GOP candidate Donald Trump held rallies in Washington state on Saturday. As usual they were met with protests and huge crowds. And while …
    Donald Trump launched attacks on Hillary Clinton and Elizabeth … › News › World › Americas › US elections
    The Independent
    10 hours ago – Presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump has shifted his attention to the US general election, away from his fallen GOP rivals and on to …
    Trump: Hillary was “nasty, mean enabler” of Bill’s affairs « Hot Air…/trump-hillary-was-nasty-mean-enabler-of-bills-affairs/
    Hot Air
    8 hours ago – NBC’s Today reports that “the race is getting nastier than ever,” but Donald Trump actually revived this attack on Hillary and Bill Clinton from …

    Where have you been?

  5. It’s already pretty ugly.
    But when you say it’s going to get ugly can I assume you mean when Hillary is president and picks the AG and the Scotus, no?

    That’s the ugliest of all.

  6. Funny, the Cruzers over on Facebook have acted a whole lot more like they supported a demagogue cult leader. Cruz is the second coming of Ronald Reagan and the only conservative, not to mention morally superior to Drumpf.

    I didn’t know Joseph had gone #nevertrump. I followed him on Facebook for a bit, but when I found he’s a NWO conspiracy nut, I dropped him.

  7. If it gets to the point where people feel they need to put up a Trump sign in their front yards to protect themselves Hillary will win in the biggest landslide in modern history.
    Americans are not cowards and really don’t like being bullied.

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