Dumb Asses Risk Lives To Play Make Believe Game – IOTW Report

Dumb Asses Risk Lives To Play Make Believe Game

Columbian sky divers working for phone company, EBT, did their best to simulate a game of quidditch while plummeting towards the ground.


 Quidditch is a made up game from Harry Potter that involves actually FLYing brooms, not  riding one hurtling towards earth for a lame publicity stunt.

This doesn’t even look like fun.


 I’d rather watch someone recreate this scene over Iran.

10 Comments on Dumb Asses Risk Lives To Play Make Believe Game

  1. @Pilot Dave – There are a fair number of adrenaline junkies in the world, and lots of ways to get a fix. I was looking into which area jump school I was going to go to in the late 70s when I discovered hang gliding. I have jumped off of many, many perfectly good cliffs and enjoyed the hell out of it every time. Plus, compared to sky divers, I got to pre-flight my equipment on the ground rather than in the air.

    Then earlier there were the spelunking, rock climbing, white water rafting, motorcycle stupidity, and boozing with fellow Southerners (“Hey, y’all, watch this! Hold my beer, Jimmy Carl…”).

  2. No one noticed the SWEET PLANE – DC-3.

    I wonder if it was a C-47 cargo/paratroop plane of visiting Europe without a passport vintage…

  3. It looks like a good way to clunk heads at 3,000 feet and get knocked out.

    Fall to the ground riding a broom seems like an undignified way to meet your end and a whole unnecessary death – unless it’s to demonstrate how trying to imitate what you see on the movie screen is always a bad idea.

    Had there been an accident the headline would have looked similar to the one used here.

  4. I’ve jumped out of planes to skydive many times-after a while, it’s kinda NBD. If they know what you’re doing, they’ll probably be just fine.

    Of course you never know, it’s not risk free.

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